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Meeting Bono


One of the highlights of my life was to meet Bono. It happened outside The Ritz Hotel in Chicago in October, 1987 during the Joshua Tree tour. When U2 fans see this photo, you may wonder why Bono is looking down and maybe seems a bit angry or sad. This was not the case at all. His eyes are down because the person who took the picture, shoved a big photograph of Bono at me and said, "Have him sign this or im not taking the picture". Therefore i had know choice but to ask Bono politely if he could sign the photo. At that moment, ("Stuck in the moment and you can't get out of it") the person who had the camara, snapped off the picture and Bono could not sign a photograph and pose for a picture at the same time. It took me years for me to figure out why Bono's eyes are down. I finally understood what happened, but at least i got a picture with him. I want to thank U2 for their beautiful music throughout the years and to all the U2 fans as well for there support for the band etc... Sincerely Yours, A true classic U2 fan, Bob. P.S I will be at the July 5th 2011 show here in Chicago! Hope to see you there!! WADO!!

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