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Can you help me contact this U2 line volunteer?


I'm a huge fan of U2 (Propaganda member since 1985), and also a social work student looking at how the U2 fan community organizes itself effectively with and mostly without institutional support. I was a GA fan at the gig at New Meadowlands in NJ this week (I also was a GA fan at the two other gigs in the older stadium on the 360 Tour), and I've been able to contact and send a request to most of the facilitators of the GA line at previous gigs. I did not get a name or Internet handle from this guy, though, and I particularly want to contact him because I experienced conflict with him firsthand and I would like to get his perspective on how we resolve these things. I'm trying to document the perspective of leaders in the communinty who volunteer countless hours to make things work, and I'm particularly interested in presenting the unfiltered perspective of this person because the U2 fan community works well enough in GA to make visible conflicts pretty rare. I admit is was pretty weird to be in the midst of one, but I'm hoping something comes out of it that's useful to people looking to organize "cloud" kinds of movements that govern themselves effectively if imperfectly in the world -- like the "jasmine revolution" that's been sweeping North Africa.

So, if you have any idea as to how I might get an informational questionaire to this guy, I'd really appreciate any pointers. An Internet handle is fine; in anything I publish in social work, I will only cite names of people who express in writing a preference to use their real name and who give consent to use whatever I quote.

Thanks, all. U2 is the only band for which I'll go to a stadium show, and mostly it's because my experience of the GA line is part like a family reunion and part like a party where I know everyone there has important stuff in common

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