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Everything posted by passenger789

  1. Hi Vertigo, yeah I hear you about 360... oddly enough I was opposite for 360, I had 24 tix to that but they all went easily, probably 'cause they were all $50 GA's (despite they were in MTL for 2 nights)... and the very impressive stage, I feel it was more of an ''event'' than this tour. Of course it has not helped this time with the delay to the start of the tour 'cause of Bono's terribly timed injuries which resulted in very low key build-up.... tour was supposed start Jan.-Feb I think.. no Jimmy Fallon for the week, not much news while Bono recovered for months etc. As for checking w people first before buying we had like 4 days between the tour announcement & the ticket onsale, so I went for it + my tix are just $85 this time.. Anyways, still 2 tix left for 2 weeks, hoping to bag an aquaintance that will want them, no more friends.... or maybe I just don't have enough friends loll
  2. If we all remember, not only did they clearly say there would be different songs/feelings/etc night to night when they put tix up for sale/announced the tour, but just a few days before the tour actually began (they admitted they were dropping the ''2 different nights'' thing), they then said, instead, that at least there would be a different 2nd half of shows from night to night, it was clear in the NY Times interview. That has not happened either in my mind..... So, yeah, it does 'kinda suck....
  3. Hey Kwaite, I'm 'kinda just taking a poll if regular fans have had trouble passing on/selling their tix to friends etc if they bought some xtras for that purpose, i.e. to have a few/several friends get together for the shows etc..... I sold mine to friends for cost, that was my intention, but I find there are very few ''casual'' fans interested in this tour.... Which brings me to the disappointment of the band being veeeeerrryyyyy conservative on the concert playlists for different nights (little casual fans so no need for a ''greatest hits'' every night), but that's another subject, to which i've posted eslwhere in the Zoo p.s. - the Black Friday posting on Ebay thing is more an American thing I think, than up here in Canada, well in Montreal Quebec anyway... just saying...
  4. Hi All, was wondering, after 8 shows now, if many people (mostly long time/real fans, not the casuals) have had to eat some tickets 'cause of friends bailing (for whatever reason)?? I realize it probably has a lot to do with how many shows are in a particular city, but looks like there are tons of available tix out there & not just from the scalpers. I am in Montreal, band here for 4 nights & there is an average of 800 resale tix available for each nights 1 & 2 , 450 resale tix for each nights 3 + 4 that also have regular tix for sale from Evenko (although vast majority the $300 tix + some i backstages). Chicago per night avg. 2,000, Toronto 1,500, Boston 1,500 etc etc. I bought 10 tix total (all $85 ones, so not expensive) thinking friends would scoop them up but for now I am still "stuck" with 2, 2 weeks away from show (I'm not a scalper, long time fan here). So, feedback/thoughts anyone??
  5. SOLD ...... Hi All, friend had to bail, hard copy tix selling for cost: section 433, row A (1st row) seats 17 + 18. You WILL see the screen no problem, these are NOT arena ends where you don't see the screen, PM me, POV pix here:
  6. Word. I'm really disappointed in the lack of variety... I was not overly hopeful that the 2 nights back to back would be THAT different..but this same old/same old and only changing 2 songs is sooooooooo predictable of them that it makes me not want to go to anymore shows. I've been going back and forth about going to NYC but spending $1000 on 2 more shows this half of the tour doesn't make sense...I'll wait until next leg. At least Phx 2 had 4 different songs from Phx 1...so I'm fairly sure I'll be done after LA 3 and 4. Ditto....
  7. I hear you, I am getting pretty disappointed myself, I have night 1 + 2 in MTL, bought 2 nights 'cause of the strong implication both nights would be different.... I'm thinking now of bailing on 1 one of them.... they're not even doing 2 different second halves of shows on different nights like they said they would when the tour actually started.... don't get me wrong, I love U2/favorite band by far, but after seeing every tour since '85 I don't want to see repeats w only 2-3-4 different songs.... we've even heard those a gazillion times too... as I said in another post SHAKE IT UP BOYZ, vast majority of fans for this tour are long timers, at least play a few rares, there are not many casual fans this time around where you have to play all the hits + SOI, snap out of it!!!... PLEASE!!
  8. The link does'nt work if you just click on it without being signed in 1st to your FB account, use another tab.... .of course once signed in you search/hit U2ieTourMontreal.... just saying ... Thx Dismantle
  9. Hi Vtech... good points all around in your post..... especially about the 4, 5 or 8 show cities (funny no 6 show ones hihi), I don't think either that they could justify playing the same sets every night w exception of 6-7 songs of 24.... I'm in MTL for 2 of the 4 but thinking of bailing on 1 of the shows (I did a 2 straight nights once since '85 & that was cause of the very impressive 360 set-up & inexpensive tickets), but tix are not that easy to sell believe it or not, lots on Stubhub etc..... anyway we'll just have to wait & see & YEAH, shake it up Boyz, you won't have 4 to 8 nights of ''casual fans'' in those cities, incl. Montreal, casual fan just does'nt care that much anymore!!! Passenger, I'll be there in Montreal the first weekend for both shows also!!..I love Montreal! This will be my third Tour in a row up there. Great Fans. Your right, tix have been a bit easier than previous years but its pretty much like that in every market. I've got GA but a friend of mine will have to find some up there so I'm glad t here a bit easier this go round from that perspective. Question:..I'm one of those who had to get a new CC since I purchased my GA's. I had fraud activity on my discover card and they issued a whole new account along with a new card. Do you think the Bell Centre will be cool with just a confirmation email and my drivers license for entry?..Any experience with ticket-less entry at this venue?.. Cool, yeah, as you know, we know how to greet U2!! I'm GA Friday then semi nose-bleed Saturday (if I go to both shows re. set list ect)... as a matter of fact I am trying to sell for cost 2 xtra's (friend bailed), see my post in the Montreal thread the one that says ''@ cost $85'' in title, all info + pix there. I have no ticketless exp. w Evenko here in MTL, I think it has been rare they use that method, anyways your best bet is to give them a call before you head up here (they probably have slightly different procedure than Ticketmaster), here are some links: box office (an actual phone #) : http://www.evenko.ca/en/show/box_office.. and/or ''contact us'' : http://www.evenko.ca/en/show/contact_us .... I don't see it being a problem once you ask/talk to them about it, always better to check first before "showing up at the door" as we say . Lastly, check this Zoo Forum thread re. Ticketmaster procedure CC fraud etc, some good guidance in there: Ticketmaster Process For Credit Card Fraud for Ticketless Tickets We should PM each other before the shows, have a couple of pints together maybe ... you up from the States? PM if your interested in my xtra tix for your friend, Later Dude
  10. Hi Vtech... good points all around in your post..... especially about the 4, 5 or 8 show cities (funny no 6 show ones hihi), I don't think either that they could justify playing the same sets every night w exception of 6-7 songs of 24.... I'm in MTL for 2 of the 4 but thinking of bailing on 1 of the shows (I did a 2 straight nights once since '85 & that was cause of the very impressive 360 set-up & inexpensive tickets), but tix are not that easy to sell believe it or not, lots on Stubhub etc..... anyway we'll just have to wait & see & YEAH, shake it up Boyz, you won't have 4 to 8 nights of ''casual fans'' in those cities, incl. Montreal, casual fan just does'nt care that much anymore!!!
  11. Hey Vtech, were did you see/read they dropped Streets?? 4 shows so far, 4 times played Streets .... p.s. I agree with most here being disappointed that the Boyz are playing it way too safe considering what they DID say as tickets went on sale... like they did'nt figure out before that those questions about "fans feeling they missed out if shows too different etc etc" would'nt come up?!?!. Don't get me wrong, they are by far my favorite band, seen every tour since 1985, but still.... I too bought 2 nights based on what they DID say & what they DID market....
  12. Hey Lily, 1st time at a Prince show?? You're in for a real treat.... did he do that last minute onsale thing?? Small club?? I saw him in 2012 at a small club in MTL, 3hr show, totally awesome!! Sorry U2 forum, I know it's not U2 stuff I just wrote, but hey, it is what it is loll Third time for me, but first time in a small venue to a 'surprise' show (tickets only went on sale yesterday, show tonight ) Thanks! This forum needs a "like" button
  13. Hey Lily, 1st time at a Prince show?? You're in for a real treat.... did he do that last minute onsale thing?? Small club?? I saw him in 2012 at a small club in MTL, 3hr show, totally awesome!! Sorry U2 forum, I know it's not U2 stuff I just wrote, but hey, it is what it is loll
  14. Prince does'nt let ANYONE use phones at his concerts, seriously.. went to his MTL Bell Center show in 2011, you should have seen the number of security people there pouncing on anyone using cells to video even a minute.... it was oddly impressive But that would not be possible with U2.... as a matter of fact they encourage it from what I've seen last 3 tours.... just saying
  15. I have 3 tickets ( but you could buy only two if you want) for this night. They are section 216, row F, seats 5 6 and 7. I'm selling them 40$ each ( bought them for that prize ) Hey Emilie, just curious.. how could you have paid $40 for those seats, they are $115.00 seats??
  16. Actually it's at the 6 second mark + just noticed also at the 33 second mark the walkway is definitelly in the air (you can see the under walkway floor structure braces, normally would not see that unless the platform has risin').
  17. STAGE WALKWAY/CATWALK RISES IN THE AIR! Hey All, funny how no one seems to have noticed that it looks pretty clear that during the show the catwalk that connects the ''i'' stage to ''e'' stage will rise at one point during the show, seems to rise at least some 20-30 feet. Check out at the 5 second mark (lasts a half second so pause it right there) of the 40 second tour promo video (shown on Jimmy Fallon the other night & now on Daily motion). Looking pretty Sweeett!! http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2pkmmr_u2news-u2-ie-innocence-experience-tour-2015_music
  18. Absolutely Tina...I've made the trip for a few tours in the past and have tickets for the weekend shows in June. The ride from Hartford's bout 5 hrs but its a really easy and nice ride...Great city in the summer, you'll love t he trip. Right on Guys, Montrealers love having guests visit!!
  19. Hey PopFan, that include the not-$300 tickets?? Those venues have lower bowls @ $115/$85?? (Canadian dollar amounts, hihi) Yes. I have searched and found $118 for both (EZ seats, but still) Wow.... like Montreal, will probably sell out by show dates.... and once the mega marketing blitz gets going a few weeks before the shows
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