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  1. Thank you all to whomever got the kinks worked out for Minneapolis! Easy peasy this morning for GA...in and out in under 5 minutes...
  2. Yeah - that's what I'm hearing from @U2Nurse and @KAH6890...
  3. RedZone for Minneapolis is about $350...so not that much more, plus about a billion dollars in TM service fees...
  4. So, does this mean that now Larry will be buying pizza for the entire Midwest? Seems like this ticket crap happens more often than it doesn't...
  5. Oy...that's not good. Several frustrated friends right now and I'm in tomorrow's group...I'm not hopeful that I'll get anything but nosebleeds...in which case, party at my house instead!
  6. hearing from Minneapolis friends that their presale codes are ONLY opening VIP / Redzone and no "regular" tickets showing up at all.
  7. I didn't think so...that was more of a "been through this rodeo a hundred times" and "I'm most likely in group 1 and nothing so far" kind of response... And yes, patience.
  8. I haven't seen mine yet, Azyria...and I've been a member for an age...hoping to soon though.
  9. I feel you Angryduck...it's been ages since I've been in here and I can't even see when my expiration date is in the Account Info area...it's all gotten very confusing. LiveNation could use a lesson in design for usability. W
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