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Everything posted by peterferris8

  1. I'm hoping they bring it to the UK! Especially if they're playing the album in full, might be able to get a friend or two to come with me!
  2. People Have the Power by Patti Smith.Jets is actually making a long standing joke about the number of times that question was asked during the Vertigo Tour, which the answer was "Wake Up" by Arcade Fire. Still one of my favorite ones. My favorite, being how they got us with "Soon" and "Space Oddity" for 360. Ohhh! I never realised this was a thing
  3. I don't think I've seen Bono criticising anyone with as much ferocity as he's been ripping into Trump lately. He's not wrong though; Trump is an oligarch and if he gets into office it will be bad news for everyone.
  4. I was just about to post wondering what was happening with the documentary when I saw this. You could be right.
  5. Were you actually at any of the gigs? I actually experienced it in the flesh and it was the complete opposite of what you said.
  6. peterferris8

    Untitled Album

  7. U2 and the Foos made the right decision cancelling. I'm left almost speechless by this thoughtless violence and loss of life. What really hits close to me is that the attack happened at a concert - by a band where one of the members is in another band I really like as well. Those people who died, they were just there to enjoy an evening of live music, and instead they were killed. I'm still processing it even now. "The events in Paris last night are heartbreaking. Friends of mine were hurt; some of them will be OK, some won't. More broadly, this was an attack on our culture, our spaces, our rock'n'roll. I'm not interested in political commentary on this right now. I think it's important that we take care of each other and keep doing what we do. A little more love, a little less hate, and some good music, please." - Frank Turner.
  8. I doubt it's harmful, it's only dry ice. Now if it was flare smoke, then we'd have a reason to be worried...almost lost my voice to that stuff during Foo Fighters at Reading Festival 2012!
  9. So Noel G was there again last night. He had a bit of a dance with Ali during Bad!
  10. I wasn't as close to the front as I was on the first night, but I still got a really good view from where I was, three rows from the catwalk. During the first half of Iris, Bono was right in front of me. Same for Adam during SBS!
  11. All ran smoothly last night, they didn't even ask to see my email! I had it printed just in case...
  12. So happy I went to 2 gigs instead of one. Again, last night was utterly astonishing. I was worried that it might not be that different from night 1, but when they started playing Gloria I knew that I hadn't wasted my money. Getting Desire and Party Girl was great too, and Bad/40, oh my goodness...one of the most powerful things I've ever witnessed at a gig. The differences didn't just come in terms of the setlist, they came in terms of the little things - Bono singing a snippet of Hold Me Close by David Essex, talking about just crazy it was for 4 men to arrive at a giant building with trucks full of gear, and then bare their souls in front of 20,000 people for 6 nights...things like that. Also quite proud, as a student studying in Brighton, that the girl Bono pulled onstage for the Meerkat broadcast came from Worthing, which is really close by - representing the Sussex U2 fanbase! Also, towards the end of UTTEOTW in amongst all the torn-out book pages falling from the rafters, I managed to catch this page from Alice in Wonderland. Looking at what's on the page, I thought it fitted strangely well with the thematic elements of the show. It makes me wonder: did they rip the pages out at random or did they deliberately pick particular pages with words that fitted into the tour's context? Either way, it's nice to have this little souvenir to keep with me. What a night.
  13. Thanks for mentioning that! Do you have to have it printed or is it alright to just show them the email on your phone? I had a printout but I don't imagine it makes any difference, they just need to see what the order number is, so they don't accidentally invalidate your ticket for another night. Okay, I'll be sure to print my email out then just in case!
  14. Thanks for mentioning that! Do you have to have it printed or is it alright to just show them the email on your phone?
  15. London night 1 was the best gig of my life. It's fine for something to be scripted as long as it's done well, and for me that was an example of doing it well. WOWY drew a tear to my eye, that's never happened at a gig before, so...yeah. Looking forward to doing it again on Tuesday.
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