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Everything posted by Vertigo3333

  1. I found this site "paperguitar.com" towards the end of 2011 and made a few guitars when I found the time, including this Gibson Explorer, Gretsch Irish Falcon and Adam Clayton Warwick Reverso. The Falcon is missing a key/tuner. The Reverso (along with any other bass) is not actually available on the website, so I custom made it with Photoshop, the colour came out a little dark and the treble is a little out of place but overall it's not too bad. I've made a few other paper guitars, including a couple Les Pauls. If you like crafty things and have the time (it takes me almost all day) to cut out and glue together these pieces, I suggest checking it out.
  2. During "Sunday Bloody Sunday". This was my exact view during the concert, not zoomed in.
  3. Vertigo outdoor stage I made out of Legos (Sorry for bad Photoshop job...)
  4. Vertigo outdoor stage I made out of Legos (Sorry for bad Photoshop job...)
  5. Vertigo outdoor stage I made out of Legos (Sorry for bad Photoshop job...)
  6. Vertigo outdoor stage I made out of Legos (Sorry for bad Photoshop job...)
  7. U2 Zoo TV stage I made out of Legos. Plan on re-doing on a larger, more detailed scale.
  8. U2 Zoo TV stage I made out of Legos. Plan on re-doing on a larger, more detailed scale.
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