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Bono and Yours Truly at Denver Meet&Greet + Look'n for More Pics




It's been 27 years and it finally happened.  U2 are the greatest EVER and so are it's fans!  For anyone at the meet and greet in Denver, please e-mail me a photo and I'll check ours for any of you and forward them along.  

Likewise, if you have any photos of my wife (sunglasses/cowboy hat) and/or me (e.g., getting her orange "POPTART" shirt signed, the hug she or I got from Bono, or our handshakes from The Edge, etc.), we would really appeciate your feedback, We were right in the middle of the recieving line as I was the tall guy wearing the orange sunglasses, black Propaganda hat & shirt with the red stars on both.  Bono and Edge crossed paths directly in front of us as they were signing my wife.....

Please feel free to contact me at drcws@embarqmail.com as I may also have photos of you from our perspective.  Please attach a photo of yourself and I'll look through what I've got

Regards - Casey


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