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Image Comments posted by bonsmellyarse

  1. thank you manohlive and you know what sucks is that when we do give sometimes it goes to an addiction .it is so sad seeing more and more people sleeping on the sidewalk in the middle of summer in 100 + weather in the late afternoon .I say a quick prayer for them especially for the ones that are obviously mentally ill.


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  2. Visiting my Brother in the Hospital ICU today after he had heart surgery and I see this sign leading in to the ICU and it reminded me of how the U2 songs have always had my back in good times and in bad times especially losing my mother in a car accident in my early 20's and not sleeping for 2 days listening to the song Bad on repeat and getting my ass chewed out by a family member and told I was being disrespectful I kept playing it over and over till I fell asleep.

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