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  1. I bought tickets for one of the Glasgow shows on my debit card via presales and public sales. The magnetic strip on the back of the card isnt in the best condition, but because we use chip and pin so the card is still usable. But I've seen online the paperless ticket process requires the card to be swiped, I wonder if this will be a problem when gaining access to the arena?
  2. Hi Asterix I'm really looking for 2 tickets for Saturday, but I'll keep you in mind if I can get another one elsewhere. If you find someone else willing to swap in the meantime it's cool
  3. I'm just going by a lot of the speculation I've heard on forums or by fans plus the band seem to be doing a bit more acoustic performances on TV and the additional tunes on the new album. Where did you read or hear that?
  4. It seems like there is going to be either a night of acoustic numbers or an acoustic focused night. We know there's a few songs on the new album which can be played acoustically and some from previous tours that can be played. But what about songs like Streets, Pride and With Or Without You or others that haven't been played acoustically before.
  5. Hydro in Glasgow, sorry thought this bit was just for the Glasgow dates.
  6. Hi all, I'm looking for either 2 seating tickets for Saturday night or 1 seating for Friday night. Also I know 2 people who are looking for 2 GA'S for either night, I may have 2 GA'S for Friday night to swap or sell depending on how I go with getting the tickets I'm looking for (confused? I am
  7. I got two tickets via the pre sales on Friday and I'm wanting to get more in the general sale. Would it be okay to use the same card and billing address for both transactions.
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