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Posts posted by JMLU2

  1. 2 hours ago, bobg25 said:

    Wrong. They've put in 40 years and can do whatever they want. There are no rules to art. That's the risk you take when you pay admission to the museum. Do you think the  Gallery of the Academy of Florence is worried that you might be offended by the statue of David? And they have always been a band built on their beliefs and it is in their lyrics. If you feel some sort of guilt by them expressing their opinions; whether it's political or religious or whatever, then that is on you. You can't sit here and say that someone should not make you feel as if you're opinion is wrong and then say he should not express himself. That is hypocritical. THAT is wrong.

    The American people did use the strong power of its people. The American people said enough is enough. The American people have spoken.  It is what it is.  Instead of dividing us even more .... we should ALL try and unite together instead of dividing us even more.  That's what should be happening not spouting off about your own personal feeling  work together compromise.  A statue,  painting is not verbally telling me that I'm wrong for what I feel and it should be this way .  This is not the thread to continue this discussion so that's all I'm gonna say about it in this thread.  I just want to hear the music not your thoughts on your political view.  Just the music 

  2. 8 hours ago, Damoratis said:

    ... They've been doing this since they first started if you have an issue with it now maybe you should find a new band. 

    I'm very well aware of this.  Why bash those with different views?  Just unite us instead of dividing us.  I enjoy the music of U2 always have ...always will.  If you want to talk about your views then have a round table discussion with those who are interested in your views at a different time and place. So those who have different opinions don't have to feel like we are wrong because our view is different then what he feels. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but to make people feel like their wrong is not right.  I didn't pay to be told that my view is wrong. I payed with hard earned money to hear your music not your view on what you think is right. 

  3. Thanks I'll look again so excited to not have to travel this tour it's been a very long time since they were here in Cleveland Ohio the home of the rock and roll hall of fame Cleveland rocks U2

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