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Posts posted by perenelle

  1. The friend I'm going with said they'd only be concentrating on the JT era but apparently that's wrong, would love to hear Bad, they didn't play that in NYC. Also New Year's Day would be awesome!!! I was in high school and that's the song that finally really focused my attention on them! Also I'd much rather they stuck to older stuff...

  2. I was just thinking, I recall seeing somewhere on this forum that there was someone who really wanted them to play Bad and I'm sure it's been many years since they have, and the person was pessimistic about ever hearing it again. I'm willing to bet on the good possibility of that being on the playlist for this one, thinking it'll be a lot of very old stuff, everything up to and including JT  possibly being on their playlist. Let's hope!!

  3. I'm going to TRY to post a link to my friend's vids here, she got awesome pix and I got nothing but crap on my terrible little Tracfone!






    This concert was BEYOND AWESOME, we took it in ringside at the catwalk! They played songs from WAR that I didn't expect. The only complaint I have is something that neither I nor my friend liked, and that's when they climbed into the middle of the screens and disappeared for a couple of solngs! It was very strange!


    Hopefully more pix later!

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