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U2 Friendship Bracelets to give to Zoo friends - From the Ground Up #U2FTGU @u2com @u2comzoomods @U2fTheGroundUp pic.twitter.com/fGEVCWdp0P

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Thanks for your kind comments on my FTGU entry. :D


I hope it's acceptable to post a comment on my own entry, but I just thought I'd add a little background story...


I've been making friendship bracelets for years, just experimenting with different colours and patterns, but never really making pictures or words in them, then when I joined the Zoo back in 2008, I signed up for the Xmas card exchange and wanted to make a little 'something' to include with my cards, so figured friendship bracelets would be the obvious choice as they are small and light for posting and can double as bookmarks for people who might not like wearing them.  Then I got a bit over ambitious and rather than just settling for a simple black and red diagonal stripe design (to match with the Vertigo album cover), I decided to try to incorporate some of the Vertigo-themed symbols.  After a lot of experimenting (and time rapidly running out), I finally settled on the design in my picture, but then had the massive task of making close to 70 bracelets - one for each of the Zootops who were participating in the card exchange that year - at about 2 hours a pop!  Needless to say, I didn't quite manage to get them all in the post before Xmas, with the last batch sent in honour of B's birthday the following May! ;)


With that goal finally completed, I kept making the Vertigo pattern to send to Zootop friends on their birthdays, or give away to people I met in the 360o GA lines in Dublin, where I was making them to pass the time.  By then of course, the 360o tour was well under way, so I decided it was time to start making a new design - with the 'U=2' logo being the obvious choice - which helped pass the time in the 2010 Aussie and 2011 North America GA lines; still giving them away to people I met along the way, and as birthday presents, etc. for Zootop friends.


Sadly, the 360o tour is now long-finished, but when the mood strikes, I still make both designs to pass the time on public transport, long-haul flights, etc. and still happily give them away to fellow U2 fans when the opportunity arises, and hopefully we'll be blessed with a new U2 album before the end of the year, so I look forward not only to the new music (that goes without saying!), but also some inspiration for a new U2-themed friendship bracelet to make and give away on the next tour... :)

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I'd love to have either of these bracelets, though usually i can't stand wearing anything clingy ie: bracelets, necklaces. 5 stars Nik ;)

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Wow, it's been 3 months since I lodged my entry, and there's a sudden resurgence of people Tweeting and PMing me about my bracelets!  Not sure how they're suddenly finding my picture (which was actually just a competition entry, never intended to advertise a product), but it's awesome to hear from people all over the world who like my bracelets and are asking if I sell them.  No, I don't sell them (not even to cover my costs); it's simply a hobby and labour of love to connect with fellow U2 fans from around the world. :)


I'd love to say 'yes' to every request to make one, but as I mentioned in my previous post, they take about 2 hours each to make, which calculates to about one per week if I solidly work on them on public transit to/from work(!), and sometimes I'd rather just read a book or stare out the window, lol.


So...I guess I'll do what I can, so those people who have been in touch; please let me know your preferred design ('Vertigo Symbols' or 'U=2') and I'll get in contact for a shipping address when I finish making your bracelet... :)

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