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Status Replies posted by Anjana

  1. Club Tropicana drinks are free so I understand.

  2. Smelly cat smelly cat

  3. Ouch it hurts!

  4. Meh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Du cafe et pain au chocolate - tres bien!

  6. Some days are dry, some days are leaky, some days come clean, other days are sneaky

  7. Du cafe et pain au chocolate - tres bien!

  8. Du cafe et pain au chocolate - tres bien!

  9. Wine and cheese - cheers!

  10. Watching Masterchef - a souffle in a mango! Oh my!!!

  11. I'm wide awake...and very grumpy so don't mess with me today

  12. Watching Masterchef - a souffle in a mango! Oh my!!!

  13. Watching Masterchef - a souffle in a mango! Oh my!!!

  14. Watching Masterchef - a souffle in a mango! Oh my!!!

  15. Watching Masterchef - a souffle in a mango! Oh my!!!

  16. Watching Masterchef - a souffle in a mango! Oh my!!!

  17. are Adam's trainers a size 3 by any chance?

  18. I know a girl who's like the sea - goes on a bit

  19. It's just a moment this time will pass

  20. It's just a moment this time will pass

  21. Jurassic Park is really scary!

  22. What you don't have you don't need it now...this is not true Bono, I need dark chocolate, need need need

  23. Midnight is where the day begins

  24. Jurassic Park is really scary!

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