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Status Replies posted by lin

  1. hi tried to direct message you via Twitter as to your reply to me about my email problems 

    all I want is my sign in email address to be joined up to the email list but each time I try to update email list it says that that email is in use 

    yes it’s me I’ve just used it to log in with

    please can somebody sort this out as you keep sending emails to my old email addresse


  2. Joined fan club to get pre sale tickets. This is a compleat scam only offered me one chance to buy most expensive tickets through the joke which is ticketmaster. U2 should be ashamed to let this happen.

    1. lin


      The same happened to me yesterday I was only offed seats at the silver prices before I was able to choose where I want to sit pre sale should be fans getting the seats they want not getting what ticketmaster wants you to have

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