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Everything posted by lin

  1. hi tried to direct message you via Twitter as to your reply to me about my email problems 

    all I want is my sign in email address to be joined up to the email list but each time I try to update email list it says that that email is in use 

    yes it’s me I’ve just used it to log in with

    please can somebody sort this out as you keep sending emails to my old email addresse


    1. mich40


      Sent you a pm

    2. lin


      Where do I find that

  2. If that happens I can die happy album ever
  3. Yes drove up from Cornwall on Friday don't worry I was singing very loud it's just ashame that those seats didn't have fans that wanted to be there in looking forward tonight's gig then off to Dublin in 2 weeks have a great concert everyone
  4. Had a great night last night apart from the 2 guys who were in the seat in front who talked the entirre way through the the concert so was disappointed as all I could hear was their conversation did ask them to have consideration but their response was that I should have got a ga ticket my seats we're through the fan club pre sale redhill group so had no choice as to where I want to sit (I wanted a seat) why do people get tickets and deny real fans a seat and not watch a great band lets hope me seat tonight is in with real fans who will be singing along not talking
  5. I'm on my own always as nobody I know likes u2 I will becoming on the Saturday leaving Sunday I have a silver seat ticket also have hotel booked with breakfast for 2 willing to offer floor space for 1 person
  6. My collectors tickets turned up last week after calling ticket master every week for 2 months dublin ticket was sent in February but had received I was told this today after calling ticketmaster ie they sent me email and I've printed my ticket only proble is that I had paid for a collectors one but at least I've got a ticket I'd call them and keep calling until you get your ticket
  7. Ticket update rang ticketmaster who said ticket was sent out in February so Ive printed at home a ticket and put a block on the original one only thing is I've paid for a collectors one which I won't get but al least I've got a ticket
  8. Hi I'm in Cornwall and I to haven't received my ticket for dublin i have rung ticketmaster ie and they told me that they haven't printed them as yet (it's a collectors ticket) I'm getting worried as I'v seen other people's tickets I rung them on Friday will try agin Monday
  9. Hi have people got their Dublin tickets yet I'm still waiting for mine . Have rung ticketmaster ie and they told me that they haven't been printed yet ( it's a collectors ticket. Silver seat ) Im getting panicked now as its only 4 weeks away
  10. And mine just now for twickenham Sunday still no Dublin 1
  11. Mine too for Dublin are seated with collector ticket again told not printed yet but news on my collectors ticket for Sunday twickenham they have them at ticketmaster and are going to send them out I will be watching the post every day until they arrive just seems strange when my Saturday ticket for twickenham arrived in April next time I'll go for the print at home option also on another note I'm driving up to London from Cornwall on the Friday if any u2 fans this way need transport up
  12. I was told that Dublin ones still being printed and call leave until 2 weeks before I go will give ticketmaster Ireland a call after lunch as I'm getting worried as people have got theirs will keep you posted
  13. Thanks for comments I gave in and phone ticketmaster to be told that they had been sent weeks ago so they have been cancelled and I will collect at box office the only thing is I won't get my collectors ticket at box office I will have to keep on to ticketmaster to reissues them all uk fans check where you tickets are if you haven't received them yet
  14. Hi to all uk fans have people received all their tickets yet Im still waiting for my Sunday twickenham tickets and my Dublin ticket my Saturday ticket arrived 4 weeks ago rang ticketmaster re Sunday ticket to be told that they hadn't printed yet have other people got there's yet? im starting to Panic money has been taken from my bank for these but. Feel that it's getting a bit near
  15. Give the credit card company a call they should be able to sort this out I know barcalcard do as I've had this problem with dilvery addresses
  16. Yes the last petition didn't reach the numbers needed to go forward But if we can keep this one going up we could get there to stop resale on these sites at inflated prices That's why we need to get as many people to sign Again people have the power so let's take that power and try to get change This is the link to the petition https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/171819
  17. I must say I'm disappointed with the response to the petition here in the uk to stop secondary ticket sites selling tickets at inflated prices Last month the chat was all about not getting tickets as they had gone on these sites but the anger people felt then seems to have dried up If everybody who got a ticket and those that didn't sign this petition we could get change As pattie smith sang out at the start of the ie tour people have the power so come on u2 fans here in the uk lets take that power for the good of all concert goers Sign this petition share it with friends https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/171819
  18. Scalping in them days was just as bad but this is legalised scalping and it's got to stop https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/171819 Sign to stop As we all herd at the start of the ie tour people have the power
  19. Calling all uk u2 fans please read this thread and share with other fans this is a petition that we have the power to get to parliament Fans who have moaned on theirs site about not getting tickets need to take action along with those that have tickets If everybody who went to see u2 at Wembley on the horizon tour signed this would reach the numbers to get to parilment Last time there was a petition like this it fell short of the required 100,000 needed this time we could get change but we need to keep this in the public eye. Come on u2 family lets get this done This is the link https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/171819Sign share
  20. This is the linkhttps://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/171819 Fans we can get this change just like Ireland take action now
  21. https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/171819 This is the link
  22. Have posted this in general forum Please find the petition to stop the resale of tickets on secondary sites at higher cost We have the power to get this before parliament but it need people to take the time to sign and share So all those people who have moaned about not being able to get tickets but have seen them on secondery site how's your chance Sign and share Together we can do something about this
  23. Already signed that one lets get Britain behind this one so we can get the same outcome as Ireland
  24. There is a new petition on the uk parliament site to stop the resale of concert tickets on secondary sites After the disappoint for many fans not being able to get tickets for u2 please sign this petition so next tour fans might get tickets at the right prices and stop the resale sites getting them
  25. I got the email same as yours yesterday too nothing today
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