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Posts posted by Sigma957

  1. Scarcity depends on the date. On Elevation Anaheim III tickets were bought out by scalpers 2 days before as tickets got released while the 2nd show on 04-24 was in progress. GA tickets were hard to get for Elevation Oakland I and II and Los Angeles III. Most of the shows had GA tickets available day of the show. Not a lot, but some.


    360 East Lansing had artificial rarity. The venue were concerned about unruly fans and fire code violations on the GA field so they deliberately limted the amount of GA tickets available for that show. The field was quite empty. They assumed U2 fans would be like KISS fans, breaking chairs, starting fights etc.The banned items list was hillarious, Balloons, beach balls and baby strollers were on the list. Video cameras and DSLRs were allowed however. I still have the flyer somewhere.


    Damn good show it was anyway.

  2. Is it just me but.........


    If I was U2 this would now be the time to sell tickets.


    They are doing a massive job of promoting the album and getting interview and radio plays.


    Almost everyone got the album whether they wanted it or not

    Actual album sales are really good


    In other words they are popular


    Christmas around the corner, holiday season, feel good factor..........


    Announce tour


    That would be my business plan


    Disagree. We should have at least a month's notice of the official dates before they go on sale since it will alter some people's lives for a year or more, maybe. It's also the right thing to do.

  3. I saw 4 Elevation shows from seats. It was not like being on the floor. I missed the floor. I was so glad to be back on it.

    Vertigo was floor, Bonolulu, my hometown show.

    360 was always floor. All those pretty lights and Zooropa...*sigh*


    I don't want a seat.


    Maybe for once the u2.com pre-sale will lift the limit on how many shows you can buy tickets for. Money is money right? I will probably try to get to the tour opener, the middle of the tour and the final show. My life's changed significantly since 360.


    It should start in Vancouver BC because it's closer than Europe for me. And I like Vancouver BC.

  4. I started with Joshua Tree. In 1983 I heard New Year's Day but mistook Edge for the guitarist from Billy Idol. White Wedding/New Year's Day...it can happen.


    *hangs head in shame*


    In happier news, I decided to buy an electric guitar and Rocksmith to learn guitar (well I haven't gotten them yet). I want to rock my face off. Then I can go busking when I visit Las Vegas strip.

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