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Everything posted by maggie18patchwork

  1. Went to see Muse last Tuesday and it was Awesome !!!!
  2. found some old photos .... at least I went across, hubby refused !!!!
  3. Bono the bag doing the staff rosta
  4. What fun we used to have with Bono the Bag !!!! Just giving him an anaesthetic !!!
  5. Me with Mrs Gibbo and lots of vodka !!!
  6. Lumacy proudly showing Catherine his french cheese while Badgirl looks on !!!!!
  7. All these Zootops were at the historical appearence of U2 at Glasto 2011
  8. ....... Paul McGrath Got this at villa park in the good old days !!!!!!
  9. We were all in the same place at the same time and never knew it !!!!!
  10. The bike is in the garage because it's got a puncture and I can't be bothered to mend it right now as no inner tube !!!!! the lazy council laid chippings on the road instead of repairing it properly, and I got an instant blow out !!!!!!!
  11. The Bluebell is a perennial herb that grows in spring from bulbs that stay in the soil over winter. The shoots emerge from early January, before trees’ leaves block a large proportion of the available sunlight. The bluebell sets seeds profusely and also multiplies by offshoots from its bulbs. As a result it can be a dominant species that carpets the woodland floor early in the spring. The drooping, blue bell shaped flowers, which give the plant its most common name, appear from April to June.
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