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  1. Ticketmaster.com had a graphic on its purchase page that clearly started today's iNNOCeNCE presale started at 10am. Ticketmaster also made a bunch of flubs and, once again, proved its system cannot handle large demand. U2.com has conflicting information on fanclub membership costs. Really poor rollout. Really not what U2 stands for.
  2. Really poor explanation / detail on the site. And if you dare call MusicToday about it, you'll get a really tempesterous, nasty call center rep who thinks you're an idiot.
  3. The $40 option never presents itself unless you are logged in, yet when I signed up, it had all of my previous info, etc. A bit deceptive.
  4. So, apparently, the $40 price shows up if you're a logged-in member of any sort. If you're not, the $50 price shows up. Nowhere is the difference explained, however.
  5. Lo-fidelity, your presale code is in your membership profile, on the left-hand side of the page. The $50 / $40 nonsense needs to be explained though. And if it leads to a debacle in tomorrow's presale like the one that occured today, I will actually relish in making noise about it. No problems paying for the fanclub and early access; I work in this business and I get it. But drop the ball so badly that prices are dynamically fluctuating and airlining between days... that's a bit unjust.
  6. Big Wave, when will someone address the $10 difference in fan club costs between yesterday and tonight? Everything now clearly states $40, I was charged $50. Hopefully, I won't run into issues with the presale tomorrow, but I'm not holding my breath. It's only $10, but that's 1,000 pennies of principle and a pretty bad look for the band.
  7. ... when they were $50 on Tuesday. I'm shocked that this presale and fanclub situation has been so disorganized and misleading. Ticketmaster and U2.com have differing times, people are confused, etc. Bad look, gentlemen.
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