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Everything posted by Helbig

  1. I can't believe this? Why o why won't this rain stop? This is beyond the joke. We need to do a U2 concert here. Love the photo. Karen.
  2. Rain rain go away come again some other day-night? We are trying to have a U2 concert here. Well I guess it's on with the show? The show must go on. Love the photo. Karen
  3. Helbig

    U2 HQ siggy 3

    I say four Santa's in a row? Shit happens? Laugh it off and carry on. Karen xxxxxxxxxxx
  4. Brilliant photo. A absolutely Cool Guitar. Talk about a show peace. I can't play but I wished it was my. I am very jealous. Love the Guitar, and love the photo. Rock on. Karen
  5. Helbig


    A beautiful photo of Larry and his drums. Love the photo of good looking cheeky Larry with his drums. Yeah he always makes me laugh. Karen
  6. Helbig

    Watching Elevation2

    All smiles here. It is good to see someone else do the work for change don't you think guys? Yep. Time out let's watch instead. Yeah. I need a drink I'm really thirsty guys. This is a big laugh to watch isn't it? Yeah it is. Great photo. Karen.
  7. Helbig


    Love the close up of Bono. Love the hat Bono, your a man on a mission. Bono always there to help someone, and loves to see his fans. Great photo. Karen
  8. Helbig


    Love your wall art? U2 albums on the wall how cool is that? Now that is something to look at isn't it. Yep I think so. Love the collection, and love the photo. Karen
  9. Home sweet home says Larry. Love coming home. Yep love coming home. Love the photo. Karen.
  10. Great photo of Adam. A very special man, and a great big heart. A very big congratulations to you Adam for your MusicCares Award. It couldn't go to a better person than you Adam. Lots of love to you Adam. Karen xxxxxx
  11. Helbig


    A beautiful photo of Adam and Bono. A very touching moment of Adam and Bono together, in each others arms. There's nothing like a good hug for a special moment. Great mates and just like brothers. Love the photo.
  12. A absolutely fabulous photo. A beautiful photo of sweet, sweet Bono. Yeah I would love to meet him. Do you blame me he is so cute. Great photo, love it. Karen
  13. Helbig


    Great close up of Adam. Adam love the stylish clothes. Keep it up with the great look, you have good taste. Love the photo. Karen
  14. Helbig


    Brilliant photo of Bono, Edge, Adam and Larry. U2 all together doing what they do best. Love the photo. Karen
  15. Helbig


    Yes Bono, Bono, Bono. Sweet, sweet Bono. A charming man with a great big heart. You really are the sweetest thing. The clothes you were make you look so smart. Love the clothes and I Love you. Karen xxxxxxxxxxxx Love the photo.
  16. Helbig


    Adam, Bono, Edge and and Larry in a line. I wish you were mine. Four charming guys that is true. That's why I love you. Karen. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Love the photo.
  17. Helbig


    Who is that hansom man I see ? O yes it's Bono thats who. I love the hat and love the vest, and yes I love that jacket. But most of all Bono I Love You. Kisses from me to you Bono. Karen. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
  18. Helbig

    Bono and Edge

    Great photo of Bono and Edge. Great mates, sing well together, and close like brothers. Bono and Edge are a brilliant team together. Love the photo, love Bono and Edge. Karen.
  19. Love the bling jacket Adam. It really looks good on you. As allways you look good in your smart stylish clothes Adam. Keep it up, good look Adam. Love the photo. Karen
  20. Helbig

    Larry, Vancouver JT

    Brilliant photo of Larry. Larry the cheeky man in the band. Always saying or doing something funny. Always garonteed to make you laugh. Even so much that you can end up in tears. He done it to me a few times, yeah he did. After all the cheeky smile says it all. Larry great guy, drummer and great body what's not to like girls. Love the photo. Karen
  21. Helbig

    The Hat. Seattle.

    Brilliant photo of Bono in his hat and flash suet. He looks very sexy in it, and very smart. I think he needs his shades, Bono is a shades man. But I think he looks lovely anyway. Love the photo.
  22. Helbig


    LOVE the close up of Edge. Brilliant photo.
  23. Helbig

    U2 leprechauns

    LOVE the art work. It's a good laugh, and puts the fun back into art. Great painting of U2. Good work.
  24. Helbig


    Great photo of the background. It is absolutely BEAUTIFUL LOVE IT. KAREN.
  25. LOVE THE PHOTO. There is no doubt what stands out here is there. BRILLIANT PHOTO of THE JOSHUA TREE. KAREN.
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