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Everything posted by Helbig

  1. She moves in mysterious ways? Yep! She moves in mysterious ways. Karen
  2. Helbig


    Nothing like a good sit down. Just sitting down thinking. Yeah, just thinking. Always thinking of you bono, always thinking of you. Karen xxxxxxxxxx
  3. Helbig


    I'm just walking along drumming away. Where I go my drums do to. Great photo of Larry and his drum. Karen xxxxxxxxx
  4. Helbig


    Yes Larry thumbs up to you to my charming man, thumbs up to you to. Love you my sweetheart Larry, yeah love you. Karen xxxxxxxxxxxx
  5. Let's all give bono a great big cheer and say? We love you bono. Karen xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  6. Helbig


    Oh boy my head is spinning around. It's spinning around and around and around. Yep. Im spinning around. Coòoool. Karen
  7. Helbig


    What's that I see Edge? Is that a little smile I see? Keep on smiling Edge, keep on smiling. Love the cool clothes edge. There real cool clothes. Love you Edge. Karen xxxxxxxxxxxx
  8. Helbig


    A really beautiful photo of Adam. Adam playing his guitar. And adam I really love that jacket and shirt. Love the photo and love you Adam. Karen xxxxxxxxxxxx
  9. Helbig


    A beautiful photo of the the rocky background. It is such a brilliant photo, and really stands. Love the great background photo. Karen
  10. Yes Larry. I believe in you Larry. I believe, I believe in you my good man. And yes you are perfect Larry. As a drummer and a good looking guy. Yes Larry I love you. Yeah I love you Larry. Karen xxxxxxxxxxx
  11. Wow, what very cool looking car. There is nothing better than a U2 car. You just can't get better than that. Love the U2 car, it is really cool. Yeah really cool. Karen xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  12. Helbig

    Edge & Bono London4

    I say play away my good man edge, play away. Show the fans how good you can play. Bono and Edge, yeah you got to love that. Karen xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  13. Helbig

    Edge Berlin1

    Edge, is never far away, you know he is always there to play. Always playing his guitar, and yes sometimes even more. A man of talent that is true, Yep edge I love you to. Karen xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  14. Helbig

    Larry London4

    Larry, the best drummer you could ever get. Great drummer very handsome, a great sense of humour, and a all round nice guy. Yeah, you just can't help but love Larry. Love you Larry. Karen xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  15. Helbig


    Yeah Bono, you lay down the laws, and tell them what for bono. Proud of you bono. Yep, love you to bono. Yeah love you to. Karen xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  16. Oh sweet Bono, sweet, sweet bono. Show that lovely smile you have. It's great to see it, and really love it. I love you so much my sweet, sweet bono. Kisses to you my sweet bono. Karen xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  17. Yes Larry, thumbs up to you to Larry my good handsome drummer man! Thumbs up to you from me to You. Love you Larry. Karen xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  18. Can anyone see me? Hang on, I will just shine this big light on me. Now can you see me fans? Oh boy oh boy this light is heavy and bright. But fans you can see me now. Karen xxxxxxxxxxxx
  19. Helbig


    She wore lemon. Lemon, love that song. The lemon looks juicy. Yep juicy. Karen
  20. Vroom, vroom. Cool looking car there. Looks like the car has a real mean attitude. Love the drawing. Karen
  21. Brilliant photo of Bono and Adam together. Great close up of Bono and Adam. It is good to get great photos of bono and adam together as well. Love the photo. Karen
  22. Edge. A man with talent, hard at work, and yes another guitar. Play away my good man Edge. Play away like I know you can Edge. Karen
  23. Adam hard at work playing his bass guitar. Love that shirt Adam. It's very stylish and very cool, and very you. Karen
  24. Yep. It is charming, cheeky brilliant drummer Larry. Love your smile and love you, my sweetheart drummer Larry. Yep. Great body to. Yep great body to. Looking good in black Larry. Love you Larry. Karen xxxxxxxxxxx
  25. Yes my sweet, sweet, sweetheart Bono. Bono, sweet bono. You look very handsome, and very s--y, and always will. Love you so very much my sweetheart my love. Karen.
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