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Everything posted by skywarn

  1. I have been a member of U2.com for many, many years and used to be a member of Propaganda in the early-mid 90s. I am curious as to why "new subscribers" is next to my code. Not that it's a huge deal, but I just find that strange.
  2. My day with the traveling lab coat.
  3. Look what was in my mailbox when I got home from Colorado and Montana! Would have had someone take my photo with the album in front of a storm if I could
  4. Here I go, about to leave for the Hershey Half Marathon, the Grande Finale of all my training and fundraising for Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.
  5. Me wearing my medal from the Hershey Half Marathon (and looking a tad bit worn out), where I "Raced for The Edge"
  6. Here's a closer photo of my hard-earned medal
  7. This is the back of my Team in Training jersey, which I wore today in the Hershey Half Marathon. You'll probably never see this, Edge, but I did this to thank you for signing your autograph and taking the time to say hello to me back in May. For all the U2 fans who WILL see this, check out my blog and know from my experience today (and in May, of course) that things we consider impossible can happen.
  8. This has been a successful campaign to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Here is my shirt in its virginal state. I hope to share photos of a medal tomorrow then toast The Edge with a nice glass of wine tomorrow night!!
  9. Taken on mile 10 or 11 of the 2011 Chicago Half Marathon. I was a part of Team World Vision during this race. I also finished it with the victims and families of the 9/11 attacks in mind (that day was the 10th anniversary). It was a day of both remembrance and of victory.
  10. Philadelphia show, July 14, 2011
  11. This band is fantastic! I hope to see them give a show of their own someday, and I wish they'd get some airplay in the USA!
  12. This shot is from the Pittsburgh show
  13. Because I knew it would be a battle getting back up the muddy hill (with several thousand other people trying, and a set time to be back at my bus), I began my ascent during "With or Without You". Three quarters of the way up, I found a stable spot and took in the precious last moments of the show. Being one of those people who often has to "hang on tighter than others", this was very special for me (as it was in Pittsburgh and Philly). I remained in this spot until the show was over and the band disappeared from sight. Yet rather than feeling sad, I had a sense of satisfaction. This tour was a highlight of my life.
  14. It was hard to believe this was the last show.
  15. I never heard of this band until the Moncton concert was announced. They were FANTASTIC!! Plus, I had a very good view of both the stage and the screen, thanks to the slope of the hill.
  16. View of The Claw from the T shirt stand on Magnetic Hill Saturday night
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