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Status Updates posted by Anjana

  1. You set my feet upon a rock - but then I slipped

    1. joe


      And then he caught you!

  2. some days are sulky, some days have a grin

  3. lyric of the day: I want to tear down the walls that hold me inside

  4. just let me staple the vicar...

  5. sunshine sunshine:D

    1. Zhivvy


      tweet tweet tweet - being one of those birds in Fez

    2. Anjana


      it is a bit like that here today, I love Spring!

  6. Resistance is futile

    1. Achtung75


      It is? Bugger.

  7. I'm dancing barefoot, headed for a spin (washing machine is on)

  8. it's a beautiful day:D

  9. Is it true that perfect love drives out all fear - noh! What is perfect love, what is love other than a Howard Jones song

  10. Grace finds goodness in everything

  11. a change of heart comes slow

  12. Our very own Zoo Newsroom yeahhhhhhh!! am a very happy bunny:D

  13. every artist is a cannibal..my glitter ball and zooTV screen ideas in avi's pfft

  14. why are the birthdays duplicated below? I only got one 80th birthday listing harumph!

  15. today I will not be going to the mattresses other than for a nap;)

  16. Sadie said she couldn't work out what it was all about - she's not the only one!!

  17. It burned like fire - that chicken jalfrezi was a mistake

  18. Some days are dry, some days are leaky, some days come clean, other days are sneaky

    1. Zhivvy


      Those leaky days are when you need to go get some tena lady

    2. Anjana


      tee hee ooops you're right, don't make me laugh then!!

  19. She waits for me to turn out the light, really still, she waits to break my knee, I know the truth about you. She cat.

  20. I'm wide awake...and very grumpy so don't mess with me today

    1. Zhivvy
    2. Anjana


      oh yush yush yush pwetty pwease, splash of milk no sugar

  21. are Adam's trainers a size 3 by any chance?

    1. xtraspicy62


      darn! you want his shoes too? so, whos gonna out bid the other?

    2. Anjana


      Red's not really my colour, pink maybe!! Besides they'd be like clown feet on me lol

  22. I know a girl who's like the sea - goes on a bit

    1. Zhivvy


      You talking about me?



    2. Anjana


      Never! A friend here who can talk more than me (I find this bewildering LOL)

  23. She tried to be a good girl and a good wife but hey nobody's perfect;D

  24. It's just a moment this time will pass

    1. Zhivvy


      Found it yet?

    2. Anjana


      No but when I do I'm gonna give a slap for disappearing on me!!

    3. Anjana


      I have a sneaky suspicion it's sunning itself in the Bahamas!

  25. What you don't have you don't need it now...this is not true Bono, I need dark chocolate, need need need

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zhivvy


      Ohhh - will post you some!

    3. Zhivvy


      Ohhh - will post you some!

    4. Anjana


      need it like a drug lol

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