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Status Updates posted by Anjana

  1. it's not a beautiful day, it's pouring with rain, it's not a beautiful day, it's windy and grey, it's not a beautiful da-ay, I wish it'd go away

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Anjana


      best avoid using the words 'Larry' and 'insert' in the same sentence with a LaLa...oooh er:-O

    3. pain_18_
    4. Anjana


      it's really not like me to be so naughty and rude, I'm usually very innocent except when it comes to Larry;)

  2. About to bake a cake, it is likely to be a disaster cos I'm crap at baking! But I'm bored so what the hell!

    1. mich40


      Yum! What kind?

    2. Anjana


      carrot cake, turned out very scrummy:D

  3. in a little while...I'm going to start cooking

    1. Zhivvy


      just ring a take away instead


    2. Anjana


      did that last night, had 2 takeaway pizzas this week already! Fatty tum tum:(

  4. Cause hardness, it sets in, you need some protection the thinner the skin

  5. could do with some silver linings

    1. Zhivvy


      tena lady???

    2. Anjana


      LMAO!! Good one:D or should that be PML!

    3. Zhivvy


      only do that if you have the tena lady!

  6. Why do people lie when they don't have to?

    1. mich40


      Because they are used to doing it?

    2. Zhivvy


      Because they are stupid and shallow


    3. Anjana


      self protection

  7. Sadie said she couldn't work out what it was all about..join the club Sadie, it's all gobbledegook to me too

  8. Love rescue me come forth and speak to me raise me up and don't let me fall

  9. What you got they can't steal it, no they can't even feel it

    1. pain_18_


      Walk On...Walk On...Stay safe tonight...

    2. Anjana


      And I know it aches

      And your heart it breaks

    3. pain_18_


      You could only take so much...walk on...(The Edge's solo)!

  10. We're wounded by fear, injured in doubt

  11. I wanna run, I want to hide I wanna tear down the walls that hold me inside

    1. Zhivvy


      I wanna sleep!


    2. Anjana


      Hi you're back!! Have yourself a nap:)

    3. Zhivvy


      a twelve hour one i think lol!


  12. Take this soul Stranded in some skin and bones Take this soul And make it sing

  13. words that build or destroy

    1. pain_18_


      So true !!! Bono nails it every time !

  14. What you've got they can't deny it, can't sell it, can't buy it

  15. Well if the sky can crack there must be someway back to love and only love

  16. To stick together a man and a woman..use superglue

  17. in the summer rain

  18. sunshine sunshine

  19. sunny days, dry nights but the one day I leave the washing out on the line overnight...it rains *harumph*

  20. there be sunshine on my face today - perfick:D

  21. where's Gok Wan when you need him?!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Anjana


      Lovely TV presenter brilliant at boosting women's confidence, every gal should have a friend like him by her side!

    3. Malahide


      But everybody knows you're marvelous, Anjana.

    4. Anjana


      awhh you sweetie, that was nice to read, I may have to adopt you as my Gok!!

  22. Froiday ag'in already whale oil beef hooked..how the week has flown by

  23. hey hey hey just realised this time 4 years ago, Wembley weekend, me in a rather posh hotel staying next door to Edgebaby *big big smiles* wow wow wow:)))) still blows me away!

    1. Malahide


      You took him out for a drink in the evening?

    2. Anjana


      I wish!! But we did eat his hamburger (not a euphmism!!) when he got back from the gig:D

    3. febottini
  24. Life should be fragrant roof top to the basement

  25. everyday I have to find the courage to walk out into the street..and Breathe

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