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Status Updates posted by Anjana

  1. I knew much more then than I do now

  2. I'm dazzled by a light that shines in your eyes - I s'pose I should dip my headlights

  3. I want to trip inside your head, spend the day there...so long as there's tea and biscuits

  4. you've been running away from what you don't understand

  5. like oxygen, I need your love

  6. I want to hear you when you call

  7. eyes swollen like a bee sting *yawns*

  8. Some things you shouldn't get too good at like smiling, crying and celebrity

  9. comes a rattle and hum...and the Anj is overcome!

    1. Zhivvy


      Woo hoo - I can hear the howling wind

    2. Anjana


      sorry about that, must be the eggy quiche lol

  10. if you want to kiss the sky better learn how to kneel...but how will that help?

  11. Death is a career move! Cue a surge in Tory popularity, may it be short lived.

    1. Zhivvy


      Not increased in the popularity stakes in my family :)

    2. Achtung75


      I liked her on Spitting Image although Hattersley was funnier.

    3. BIG ROZ

      BIG ROZ

      she was nothing more than a despot,mr mcphisto warned of the likes but it was too late for us,R.I.P the steel and mining industries she laid to rest.

  12. Monday morning eighteen years dawning..it was one dull morning

  13. if I'm a fool for you..would that upgrade me to an idiot

  14. ready to let go of the steering wheel...aghhhhhhhhhh

  15. sunshine sunshine:)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Achtung75


      Could do with a brew.

    3. liljbau


      impressive disco balls at the top of your profile page !!!

    4. Achtung75


      Easy tiger.

  16. iHurt:(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zhivvy


      Ouchie - get well soon

    3. U2LAWoman


      Get better love.

    4. Anjana


      Thank you xxx I'm ok thanx, post physio aches but kinda used to it unfortunately!

  17. I don't know, I don't know which side I'm on

    1. Zhivvy


      stay in the middle then

  18. Will it make it easier on you, now you got someone to blame?

  19. then your face caught up with your psychology

  20. We thought that we had the answers it was the questions we had wrong

  21. Take this soul and make it sing

  22. I need you to elevate me here

  23. Some strange strange music drags me in

  24. It's no secret that a liar won't believe anyone else

  25. She said infinity is a great place to start

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