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  1. Nice show, but I was very surprised that there was more echo than in the Amsterdam Arena (which is "famous" for this). Luckily only noticeable when Bono was speaking; not during the music. Did anyone catch who he dedicated RTSS to? Sounded like Herman Brood again...
  2. I got what I wished for... And so much more! Beautiful night and while you should not compare I think they did top Saturday...
  3. Seems like the girl on stage during Mysterious Ways was something special, but not spontaneous:
  4. Deleted (noticed too late that this is the 30/7 thread; see 29/7 thread instead)
  5. "A sort of homecoming"; that's the only thing I wish for (that's within reach). Will be hard to top last night though...
  6. Sylvia, thanks for the link. That explains why I was thinking of a catwalk. The layout seems to differ from the US ones presented here...
  7. Did not pay too much attention due to the ticket stress, but it seemed to be T-shaped in Amsterdam. I'm not sure however which part might be the catwalk (if any).
  8. I had several errors on the 3rd party ticket site, but it seems that in the end I got what I wanted anyway (within 1 hour, way before public sale). So still very pleased with my U2.com membership! (BTW: also in the non-touring years; I really like the renewal gifts - though I don't have an LP player...)
  9. Did you pay for the 8/9 first and then tried to purchase the 9/9 ticket? The code probably only allows one transaction.. I tried to pay 8/9 first, but that payment failed (both the local iDeal option and my credit card failed server side). I had two browser tabs open (one per day) and that is apparently a stupid thing to do. When I tried to pay again the 8/9 ticket was changed into a 9/9 ticket (from the other tab?). However, it seems like that my code worked again 1 hour later (perhaps the failed transaction was no longer reserved at that time?) and I was able to buy 1 ticket for 8/9 after all! Now I just hope they adhere to the policy on u2.com/help and allow both transactions (each 1 ticket, with same U2 presale code, but different order numbers for tickets due to site errors).
  10. Just that you know (if you did not): Hot tickets seem to be seated only
  11. Ordered 1x 8/9 and 1x 9/9 (Amsterdam). Payment for 8/9 failed and now my presale code is invalid...
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