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Janette B

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Status Updates posted by Janette B

  1. Bigwave, I need help . . . . I thought I did everything right. My account page listed me as verified and complete. I even called U2.Com to make sure everything was good to go and they said it was. I received an email stating that all was good for the experience group tomorrow. Then I received another email stating that I was to be excluded! I have been trying to call. Been on hold almost an hour. Can you help? Thanks!!!

  2. Merry Christmas!!!

    1. Anjana


      and to you Janette and your family xx

    2. pain_18_
    3. pain_18_


      Merry Christmas, Janette !!!

  3. It's feeling like winter today

    1. pain_18_


      It's complete and overwhelming winter here...I wish it snowed...I love that !

    2. pain_18_


      ...instead a cold wind is blowing...cutting right through my bones...

    3. pain_18_


      At night here temperatures range from minus 5 degrees Celsius to Minus 15 Degrees Celsius Brrrrr !!!!!!

  4. Holiday over, back to school tomorrow :(

    1. pain_18_


      Good Luck at your Job, Janette !!!! Be strong and fruitful !!!

  5. One more day of Thanksgiving vacation, then kids are back to school and the house will suddenly feel very quiet again!

  6. Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Anjana


      Happy Thanksgiving Janette, hope you are having the restful day you'd hoped for:D

    2. pain_18_


      Happy Thanksgiving, Janette !!!

  7. Working hard to stay optimistic and positive!

  8. Find a way to chase away all doubts!

  9. Count your blessings!!!

    1. Zhivvy


      Good advice


  10. Strength shows not only in the ability to persist, but in the ability to start over!

    1. Zhivvy


      What a very true saying xxx

  11. Tomorrow's another day to try again!

  12. Missing my mother so very much!

    1. Zhivvy


      Big hugs janette xxxxx


    2. Zhivvy


      Big hugs janette xxxxx


  13. It's yet another beautiful day!

    1. pain_18_


      Larry Mullen/...right behind you ...

  14. feeling so tired these days

  15. Looks like it may rain today and ruin our plans for a bike ride at the beach :(

  16. Another weekend is here . . . yeah!!!

  17. Watching the rain

  18. Is anybody out there?

    1. Anjana


      the truth is out there!! lol

  19. October! Beautiful!

  20. Nothing much to say I guess

    1. Anjana


      just the same as all the rest

    2. Zhivvy


      just throw your arms around the world...

  21. Weekend's getting close!!! Yeah!!!

  22. Another Monday . . . . sigh . . . . just don't like them, lol

    1. AnaSpanishEyes


      I don't like them either... Be strong!!!

  23. What will today bring?

  24. A perfect day today!

  25. It's way too cold today - this is southern California!!!

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