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Janette B

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Status Updates posted by Janette B

  1. Why is it soooooo cold today???

  2. Just going to enjoy today one moment at a time!

    1. pain_18_


      I should do that too !

  3. Didn't sleep at all last night, so will be spending most of today on the couch!

    1. Anjana


      I'm not sleeeepin'

    2. Zhivvy


      i posted a comment here and it went!

    3. Janette B

      Janette B

      Where did you comment go, I wonder? Maybe it's taking a nap like me zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

      We could start a sleepless thread or club!!!

  4. Had another fantastic weekend at the beach over Labor Day! Loved it!!!

  5. Such a beautiful day . . . . but too hot!

  6. I want one more weekend at the beach!

  7. Back home, but still on vacation in my mind

  8. Gone to Crystal Cove - see you next week :)

  9. See you next week :)

  10. Crystal Cove - 1 more day until I'm there frolicking in the surf!

    1. Zhivvy


      I am guessing that you are really looking forwards to some surf frolicking :)

    2. Janette B

      Janette B

      I lost the other comments when I updated from 2 days to 1 day - how sad

      LAWOMAN - hope to see you there! Would be fun!

    3. Janette B

      Janette B

      Love surf frolicking Zhiv and the waves are gentle here :)

  11. Crystal Cove - 2 days until I'm there frolicking in the surf!

    1. Zhivvy


      Happy frolicking

    2. U2LAWoman


      Have fun, maybe I'll see you there! ;)My sis and I love to go there. :)

    3. Janette B

      Janette B

      We will be there a week - maybe we will meet?

  12. Crystal Cove - 2 days until I'm there!

  13. Crystal Cove - 2 days until I'm there!

  14. Crystal Cove

    1. U2LAWoman


      I love Crystal Cove, I know that spot in your avi. :)

  15. Point Vincente lighthouse

  16. Torrey Pines, my favorite beach . . . a pod of dolphins lives offshore

  17. My mind is blank right now

  18. Feeling my energy returning, lol

  19. Jet lag sucks!!!!

  20. Heading to Newport Beach, Calif. soon

  21. Home sweet home

  22. Home sweet home

  23. Hi . . . I'm back!

    1. Zhivvy


      Welcome back! Hope you had fun!!!

  24. Having a great time!!!

    1. Zhivvy


      Good to hear it :)


  25. See you in July . . .

    1. Zhivvy


      Have a great trip - will miss you!

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