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Status Updates posted by jenmusic

  1. huh.. he.. what?? Yes, yes Im awake

  2. tired from volleyball practice

  3. tired from volleyball practice

  4. started watching Breaking Bad for the 1st time

  5. hop hop hop harambee!

  6. ola!

    1. Anjana


      Jeeeen! hellooo! How are you?

    2. jenmusic


      Hee anj, Im doing great right now, how are you, did I missed a lot?

    3. Anjana


      That's good to hear. I'm ok. You haven't missed much, just the usual banter and no much solid news on the U2 front

  7. yeah inspiration :D

  8. to lazy to do anything...

  9. yeah! hello summer vacation!

  10. Illustratorstress...

    1. Anjana


      As in hand drawn or the computer program? I am trying to learn the latter, not very well!

  11. writing/creative block... time to listen to some music

    1. Anjana


      me too but music's not working for me:(

    2. jenmusic


      same here, still have the block :P... Im now going too my mother for mothersday and hopefully afterwards I get some inspiration...

  12. writing/creative block... time to listen to some music

  13. Relaxmode ON

  14. back from paris :D It was AMAZING

  15. hmm chinese food :)

  16. gaming! Bioshock 3 :D

  17. painting a starry night over the rhone...

  18. finishing my essay about Vincent van Gogh

  19. watching movies for school... love it!

    1. xtraspicy62


      what? you call that homework?!



  20. just enjoying a lazy sunday...

  21. Hungry...

    1. Anjana


      me too! about to have a hot cross bun with a cuppa!

  22. Wants to play games instead of making homework...

  23. painting...painting...painting

  24. preparing for school....... BLEGH I want weekend!!!

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