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Status Updates posted by jenmusic

  1. great... my phone decided to stop working when Im not even near the Netherlands. Great just great.... grmbl

    1. Anjana


      mine doesn't work well in my own house!!

    2. pain_18_


      Same here, Anj !

  2. And I’m a long long way from your Hill of Calvary And I’m a long way from where I was and where I need to be

  3. playing the first final fantasy on my playstation portable... a sweet memories :D

  4. lazy... Im so lazy today... don't want to...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Anjana


      i've been lazy for days!!

    3. jenmusic


      me too but I have so many things to do before I move...

    4. pain_18_


      Lazy all the way here!!!

  5. trying to draw a tattoo on paper... #difficult

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. jenmusic


      will do :) yes I do have one, but its a u2 one on my right shoulder its the joshua tree... but my new one is not U2 related :)

    3. Rhi_K


      That's so cool, I've been thinking it's time for me to have a U2 tattoo, I have 4 non-U2's already and am in the middle of working on a fairly major project that may or may not come to fruition depending on if I can get it just right.

      Where are you going to have it?

    4. jenmusic


      O that sounds nice too! I want my new tattoo on my left forearm, but I don't know if its to big hahaha but I don't care :P

  6. hmm tea or coffee??

    1. joshthetree


      Tea please. Mug two sugars and milk

    2. pain_18_
  7. Films of innocence :D :D

    1. pain_18_


      Did you buy it ?

  8. Who is going GA september 8th in Amsterdam???? :D

  9. :D ok lets do this!
  10. Suddenly I remember, yesterday it was the 1st of december XD

  11. woooohooo tomorrow is the opening of the exposition where I participate in :D :D still a lot of work to do... but I can't wait :D :D

  12. yes got accepted at a art school in Cork :D :D from february till may Ill be in Ireland :D :D :D :D

  13. writing a artists statement #homeworkonsunday :(:P

    1. pain_18_


      Good Luck, Jen !

  14. o the trailer films of innocence looks niiiiice!!!!!

  15. hmm coffee and chocolates... I don't mind staying at home this saturday evening :D

  16. got accepted for student exchange in bristol, :) still waiting for approval for schools in dublin and cork :D

  17. ok mtv on my tv... that didn't happen for a loooong long time ;)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. pain_18_
    3. U2LAWoman


      U2! Greatest Show On Earth.

    4. mich40


      It was torture getting to that moment, but that moment blew me away. Can't wait to hear EBW live!

  18. developing film is a proces of waiting... waiting... and o waiting....

    1. pain_18_


      Can't wait...Hope I'll see them !

  19. booohhh I need some coffee ASAP....

    1. Anjana


      know that feeling!

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