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Everything posted by danielsentana

  1. Halfway through Vertigo...and I kept checking here and noticing nothing was really going on! would have been epic if you'd reached Streets. Streets!! In a club!!! lol The moment they'd reach iris I would have seriously doubted they built the whole stage in a club...
  2. Realistically, I think it'll be 10-12 songs max. they've come from two back to back 24 song nights
  3. Halfway through Vertigo...and I kept checking here and noticing nothing was really going on!
  4. Daniel, if that's from the sil mixlr channel, it's an old show... the Roxy show hasn't started yet... Boy this is more embarrassing than that time Edge fell off the stage...
  5. daniel, what are you listening to? LOL So in a totally klutz move, I was actually listening to a recording of Sil's Phoenix show IGNORE ALL MY POSTS the show hasnt started yet
  6. So far it's a carbon copy from the tour...I was expecting more deviation at this point!
  7. What's the stage setup? No b-stage, just a regular club stage?
  8. If there was a moment to get organized and to start to make noise... this very well may be it... just remember "U2 Go Home"... Imagine a clear cut recording of 11 OClock, The Ocean, etc...brilliant
  9. Just a suggestion...if the set is going to be like what they've rehearsed, can this be the next subscribers' package? Like Irving Plaza kind of thing?
  10. https://twitter.com/u2gigs/statuses/604103330147622912 Imagine that!
  11. In any case, all the Boy they've been playing lately is awesome. Top three album for me I thought this was going to be an acoustic set...but hey I'll take an electric, private performance anytime
  12. 2. Out of Control If somebody had told me that I could listen to Electric Co and Out of Control day in, day out I would have laughed. By far the best choice of the tour
  13. There was also word yesterday of some cool soundchecks...we'll see in a bit!
  14. Watching NBA finals, listening to a U2 show...the life! Spoiler: Rumor going around tonight they finish with
  15. Sil is my hero. I'm gonna miss her when she stops following shows
  16. Hello hello! Was just recapping the Twitter posts/instagrams I won't be able to stay connected tonight but five nights in LA sounds like some rarities coming out and hopefully some setlist variation! Apparently some very cool rarities were soundchecked (via @u2gigs) but I'll keep it spoiler free... https://twitter.com/u2gigs/status/603346942110883841 Enjoy everyone!! LA is an amazing city
  17. This girl is my hero. Listened to Phoenix 1 with her stream
  18. <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> I missed it last time I was in LA! must include in my next trip
  19. Now it's probably automatic pilot until Mysterious Ways...any guesses on the B-stage songs? I'd love that "In God's Country" prophecy to come true
  20. Love when Bono does the Mofo snippet. Not today unfortunately. If they gathered enough strength to do the whole thing...
  21. not a really nice thing to say about a small kid... <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> Lol. Bono kept asking him his age!!
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