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Everything posted by sparky77

  1. Once you get a wristband, do you have to stay in the pens all day? Or come back at a later time (like in the states, they said you could leave until 1 or 2 pm).
  2. I made a comment on twitter about this and noticed I was instantly blocked by someone and her friends for daring to suggest being on the stage more than once (in the space of weeks) was a little unfair on others wanting to get on there once. Perhaps I hit a nerve! Can't be sure but there does seem to be a bit of a clique with the e-stage and if you're not in it then you've very little chance of getting your opportunity. I hate this kind of behaviour, if indeed I am right. Although I can't blame the band for this, I think much is down to the individual concerned. Some have very little concept that others might be wanting a first time opportunity whilst they and their buddies are all pushing ahead! Oh there's completely a clique on Twitter. Ive been voted off the island & more or less now try & stay out of all that for my own sanity sake. Self preservation... I unwittingly encountered this same Twitter clique when I dared to say I think this is a weird contest. Fans being asked to vote for their "favorite fan"? Fans campaigning online for votes? The contest seems to be encouraging unnecessary division when we should be celebrating the upcoming HBO broadcast of the band we all love.... I read that someone referred to this contest as the Hunger Games for U2 fans. Hilarious!!
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