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Everything posted by NotFadeAway

  1. From the album: Shine like a burning star

    My favourite place in town, Città della Scienza, the science museum, was completely burnt down tonight. And maybe it wasn't an accident at all! I remeber going there when I was only a child, it was always raining hard and it was just next to the see, so you could see the waves almost crushing on the glass of the museu. It was a special place. Goodbye.
  2. One of my favoutite places in the city was burnt down tonight...so sad...:(

  3. Why did I watch The Gladiator again?...Stupid! ç__ç

  4. My version of The Fly ... I shocked all my friends...xD They said I wasn't scary, then I started to sing...
  5. Another lovely fake tattoo (which I made again during my Philosophy class). I even took the photo on the edge of a cliff xD
  6. Today it's 32 years from the day Boy was realised!
  7. Yesterday I found out there was going to be a U2 weekend on MTV classics. Here's an evidence of it...I'm in love... *_*
  8. Unluckily there weren't numbers...
  9. Of deserts dryOf cool green valleysGold and silver veinsOf the shining cities In this heartland In this heartland soil In this heartland Heaven knows this is a heartland Heartland heartland ♫
  10. Spending time while listening to U22
  11. Nothing else to say, I was just guessing what people who said he couldn't sing did when he became who he is.
  12. Trying to spend time during my Italian literature class...I love this version of the song! *_*
  13. I'm ready...I'm ready for my last year at High school now!
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