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  1. The process was fairly easy yesterday for Melbourne and Adelaide, only a couple of hiccups. If you haven't gotten tickets yet and plan to, keep another CC on hand during the purchase process in case your bank declines the purchase. Mine did because I had first purchased tickets from Ticketmaster for Melbourne and then tried through Ticketek to purchase for Adelaide. Apparently on the 2nd purchase the bank was afraid it was fraud seeing as how it was two international purchases so I had to enter another credit card number for the 2nd purchase and then dealt with my bank after I had the Adelaide purchase squared away. Also, when dealing with Ticketmaster, if you are purchasing from another country, you must click on the "other Country" box to complete the e-tickets purchase. It's in the upper left corner of the purchase page. And also know your international phone code because you will have to enter the complete number where they are to send your e-ticket. If coming from the US, it's +1 and then your 10 digit cell number. On another note, does anyone know the price of RZ for Melbourne and Sydney?
  2. Where do we talk about this new, fantastic album?? Can't find the forum...or is there not one yet because it has not "officially" been released??

  3. I guess I am in "Wires" group since I have U2JTB code. On another note, I was getting ready to buy tickets to Coldplay and I was going to purchase (2) $220 tickets for the Miami show. When I got to the purchase page they added $105!!! facility fee on each ticket. Not sure if all facilities are the same (this was Hard Rock Stadium - Miami - but that's just crazy and I hope U2 tickets have different facility fees - but be prepared if you plan to go to the Miami U2 show, there might be HUGE facility fees and you might want to choose a different venue especially if you plan to try to get tickets during the presale when time is of the essence (as most of us will be doing). You wouldn't want to get to the final page and then see huge fees added then have to start all over again with a different venue. When I checked Gillette Stadium - Boston there was NO facility fee for Coldplay (just a svc. charge of $19.50 ea., so much more affordable - at least for Coldplay). So for 2 $220 tickets in Miami the total was going to be almost $750!!! Absurd! Now noticing that there are diff. facility fees for different sections even though the base ticket price is the same, very odd...just be careful when searching for tickets for Miami!
  4. If you are a U2.com member, after you log in to U2.com your code will be listed on the "Tours" page.
  5. Miami 2005 outside the American Airlines Arena. Bono and The Edge in great moods that day. Awesome memory for me.
  6. Miami 2005 outside the American Airlines Arena. Bono and The Edge in great moods that day. Awesome memory for me.
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