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Everything posted by xrayjets

  1. He is singing Iris at the top of his lungs. ....and that is why I could never do a mixlr. Wouldn't want to put people through the torture of hearing me sing. Singstar says I'm officially terrible. No mixlr from me either..
  2. Toronto ? Downunder, we call our Toronto: Tronno !
  3. Thee are some pretty white hot photos this tour
  4. Just remind me, what was the song just before U2 came on ?
  5. Judging by my Twitter feed, The Edge just arrived...
  6. If you thought Sil did a great job getting a stream....you should check out her photos on Instagram http://instagram.com/silvox2 Hooley Dooley !!!,
  7. Hey, we missed out on Elevation tour completely because it was an arena show
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