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Posts posted by bigwave


    There is a way to get a printed ticket.  Go to the box office of the venue and explain to them you don't have the credit you used to purchase the tickets.  At this point they will ask for ID and ask you for the address on the account.  Once they verify that they will print your tickets.  You can also show them the purchase on your smartphone through the ticketmaster app.

    I'm hoping this works for me next weekend in LA. My credit card company gave me a new card since I purchased the tickets last year and the old one is no longer active. Has anyone else run into this situation?


    take the old one with you as well

  2. I did the backstage tour in Phoenix Friday night. We went up to one of the suite where the lighting director was and met him, saw the light boards. Then down a level to meet the sound director. He has been with the band sincce 1978 annd was telling us about the new sound system. Then it was behind the stage to the meet video director. Then we went under the stage and met the keeper of Edge's guitars. Saw the 18 guitars he has for the show. Then it was over the the e stage for pictures on the stage. I was back in the red zone by 7:20. I ended up second from the rail right at the end of the stage. Their were 8 on the tour annd it did include the winners from teh VIP tickets. There were 2 from the red zone, and 4 from the VIP tickets.

    you met willy, joe & dallas? :) how cool, any pics?

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