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Status Replies posted by seresere

  1.  I can't access the Decision News on main page..... !!!!

    NOW it doesn't work on Internet Explorer either......... NOOO !!!!!!!  Tried Chrome...Same "  You Need to Renew" issue....... NOOOOOO !!!!!!!


    Cleared all cookies, signed out, signed back in...tried everything......It slaps me with the RENEW thing and I RENEWED>.... I'm angry.....I'm so sick with this issue !!!!!

    WHAT  does this mean...that I won't get the Downloads either...That I won't get the gift either because some GLITCH !!!!!!!

  2. Please give us the LONDON or Glasgow concerts from the SOI tour..... !!!! Would love that...those were the BEST !

     WOOHOO !!!!!



  3. Happy 14th Birthday to HOW to Dismantle and Atomic Bomb..... 22/11/2004..... Great Album !!!!!

    IIII know it's only ROCKNROLL... but I like it yeayeayeyayayeeeeaayyayayeeeeaaaah !!!!!

  4.  There will probably be new art sooner rather than later.....Who's Interested ??????


    Yes I NEED attention and feedback...I'm not an inanimate object or a robot !

    Even stones love and have their own language and I don't mean the  Band......

  5. Thank You, fellow Sailor Moon Fan !!!!!!

  6.   No more drawing for me.....I don't get many views....I know I'm not good.....I don't HAVE TIME....to draw and improve....Drawing takes TIME and Hard_Work and Money for Top Quality Supplies...... I support my art from my other work (something I do because I need to, NOT because I love it).......

    So anyway.......... " Going Away to Dream it all Up Again...Dream Out Loud....."   or something........ If  Possible........

    If Not.... ...Just Bye !

    1. seresere


      Don't give up! I like to draw too but I don't think I am that good (I posted just a doodle on the gallery...) but I do it when I want (its' my hobby)
      Do you like Sailor Moon? Cool! It's one of my favourite anime from the 90s! And it's one of my favourite subject to draw...
      Don't give up! I'll try to do the same... ;)
      Sorry if my English isn't perfect, but I am Italian! :P

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  7. Beautiful illustration of Landlady ♥


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