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Posts posted by economicformula

  1. TM Toronto rebooted my requests 4 times over 2 hours before I could get GA's...Just saying, ranting, venting. Twice took my CC info and looked locked in and then popped up, " try again later ".


    Anyway, it's done. Best to All in getting what you want or if not, as in my case, second choices !!


    Standing by for RZ in Tor, but wanted RZ for Dublin and was about to buy them, but saw tiny tiny tiny  PRINT that said kids under 16 not allowed on pitch.


    Are you under 16? The full text is "No under 16's will be allowed on the pitch unless accompanied by an adult."


    Hi Jeff...I saw the qualifier for other venues and diff ages as well, but for Dub I only saw no under 16. I likely missed something or just saw a different pg. Got great seats which will work.

  3. Standing by for RZ in Tor, but wanted RZ for Dublin and was about to buy them, but saw tiny tiny tiny  PRINT that said kids under 16 not allowed on pitch. Whew, that would have sucked. So got nice seats. But no such age limit in Tor luckily.

  4. I brought my then just 11 year old to RZ in the last tour and it worked out really well. Plenty of space and when we got a rail, no issues with pushing or stealing spaces ! lol


    He also lucked out...being a kid...in getting a guitar pic from the Edge.


    He and I will check out a show this time as well and for now, am thinking RZ

  5. The terrorists attack where-ever there are large groups of people and concerts are places where a lot of people gather. Furthermore, these insane people are trying to change our way of living, so indeed it has to also do with the Artistic Performance (although it may be argued by some) ... It's also the eternal clash of the cultures, instead of taking what's good from each others' culture and enhancing the values, we're arguing which one's is better which is wrong, everyone is good in his own way, Now I'm seriously reconsidering not to ever-again compare U2 albums between them (this is just a small example)....Going deeper, never compare yourself to anyone else, you're unique and good in your own way !!!

    Really well said my friend

  6. The shows should be cancelled, and are as it turns out...yes, for security, but more for simply for respect. Giving it some time is not cowing to cowards. There is a tangible difference between telling the cowards to go F themselves and getting on with things and doing the right thing. For the immediate, it is doing the right thing, then...


    We are overdue for a trip to France.


    Unimaginable pain and all I , we can really do right now is offer my/our deepest sympathies.



    I'm still not sure I can put into words my few days in Toronto, but I wanted to get it out the best I can before Boston kicks in.  I'm still wondering if at any moment I'm going to wake up from a crazy dream and find that that's all it was.  I'm pretty sure it wasn't.  I think it is safe to say that I was dreaming out loud.  When I finished my last show on the 360 Tour I never thought that U2 could blow me away like that again, but thankfully I was wrong.


    Toronto 1 was the night my dreams came true.  The stars must have been perfectly aligned for myself and my friend Kim.  Whenever we go to shows together and have GA, we always wear our Larry Mullen Band shirts, just wanting to show our love and support to the founder.  When I headed to Toronto from the States, I knew that I had upper level 300 seats, but we were going to try our best to get GA tickets for myself and my friend, Tracy, that was traveling with me, so I brought the shirt, just in case.  We missed the first ticket drop on Saturday afternoon because we had just arrived.  Sunday morning we heard that the GA line was started, so we headed down and got numbers.  Yes, I got a number, but still did not have GA tickets.  Late Sunday afternoon, we got word that there was someone that had extra GA tickets at face value.  So we were able to get those and sell our seat tickets to someone.  Monday morning came and we were all hanging out in the GA line like you do and I was sitting there thinking about how I could make a sign, asking Larry if I could have a drumstick.  Worst thing that could happen would be that he wouldn't.  So I sat there, coloring my sign and passing the time.  Once the doors opened, we got in (I was number 28 on the northside) and secured our spot on the rail of the e-stage.  They got down there to perform and I held up my sign and he smiled and then things got pretty crazy on the stage.  That's when the tribute band Acrobat performed.  Kim saw Larry give their drummer some sticks, so we thought, "well that's it. He gave some to him."  Then the band went into "Stuck In A Moment" and from where we were, all I could really see was Edge's bum and the piano.  We couldn't see Larry at all.  And then the song ended and all the sudden, he popped around the piano and was standing right there, handing the sticks down to me and Kim.  He made sure that none of the grabbing hands around us got them and didn't let go until he knew that I had one and Kim had one.  My U2 world exploded into fireworks at that moment.  That was my dream come true. One of his drum techs came by a bit later and told us that we didn't know how special that was, that he rarely does that.  Actually we did know that and we were very thankful for it. Some people have the dream of getting onstage, and while that would be nice, I know I'd make a fool out of myself.  My dream for so many years was to have a pair of his drumsticks and to have him personally hand one to me was absolutely amazing for me.  Of course it didn't hurt that I thought that show was probably the best city opener on the tour so far.


    Toronto 2, we had 300 level seats and that was fine because I wanted to be able to see the full production (note here that if you are only going to one show and have GA, I would not go for the rail.  You will miss so much.)  So we figured since we had seats, we would hope for a meet and greet since they weren't able to stop the day before apparently.  It started pouring down rain, but we had ponchos and we had patience and Bono stopped by while there was a break in the rain.  I was quite happy about this because I had always wanted a do-over from when I saw him in Raleigh in 2009 and I was so star-struck that I couldn't even speak.  This time, was I not only able to speak but Kim and I asked him to tell Larry "thank you" for us.  Bono told us that he remembered that and he would tell him thank you for us.  He also said that Larry didn't come out in the weather because he didn't want to get his coif messed up.  We all laughed.

    The show was amazing and I loved watching it unfold on the screens, but I did miss being closer, especially when we got the "shine like stars" lyric in With or Without You, but I was there and that's what matters.  Both nights were wonderful.  The whole band is on fire this tour and I love it.


    I took some pictures and I have them here: https://flic.kr/s/aHskfgrktv I didn't take a lot of pictures because I wanted to absorb it all.  I hope everyone else who was there had a wonderful time too.

    AWESOME.... this is the moment I think?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhpuNdI1Yh4


    It is. :wub:


    What a day....congrats Mich !!

  8. Wanted to share a cool U2 experience for my son and I . We were lucky to have red zone north passes and got there early enough to grab a piece of the front rail. His second U2 show. 11 years old.  We had plenty of time before the show and the security guys next to us were social, chatty and fun. We shared some peanuts with them, listened to their stories and time passed along nicely. During the show, one of the security guards came over to my son and handed him something. He whispered in his ear, " this is one of The Edge;s guitar picks ". Unreal. Ty was thrilled and I was equally pumped. The fans around us who we chatted with leading up to the show heard enough to be curious and wanted to share in the moment. Ty let it out of his hands - risky but very cool- and it made its way around with about 15 people or so getting to touch it, take pictures of it, some with Ty in the pic.


    Incredibly generous moment. But his amazing luck did not end there. During the encore, another security guard who we got to know a little came back to our area and conferred with the one who gave Ty the pick. They then walked over to him and gave him a copy of the stage set list for the night, Toronto 2.

    What a cool experience and an amazing show.


    Thanks to the guards and the fans around us who made Ty's experience pretty special.

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