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Posts posted by danielsentana


    Dani's predictions: Electric Co, California and Sweetest Thing, Still Haven't Found


    Unfortunately the rest is pretty static  :unsure:


    I think it's not an issue of what they play or don't play, but how they play what they are playing...


    To a point. Although they've been getting better as they do more gigs

    Perhaps deep down I resent that in an arena tour they still can't mix things up


    Anyhow here we go!


    Watching Copa America, sipping wine, learning Bullet solo...and following a show! How about that


    Im watching the Women's World Cup ( yes i know) sipping a So Co and coke scratching my balls and following the show......maybe not quite so impressive as you  :lol:


    Women's World Cup is more entertaining actually...they have lots of chances!


    I think, whichever Boy song they choose to play, I can never complain...

    Except I don't think I will follow should be played every night. Allow for awesome combos like 11 O'Clock and Electric Co!!

    I'd love to hear A Day Without Me, but I'll take any of them.


    My favorite is Out of Control, but I think for the "special" and rare aspect of it I'd love to hear An Cat Dubh/Into the Heart come back again

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