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Posts posted by danielsentana





    perhaps an explanation could be of use: back in the old zoo days - when the Vertigo tour - you would find that question everywhere on the board... It didn't matter if someone posted a link to a YouTube video or to the Arcade Fire site... the question always popped up... always...

    The question will never die. Lol




    nope... =D


    I thought most people would know "Beat on the Brat"...like I'm from the wrong generation and I still know the Ramones and their big hits :P


    Also, if you listen carefully it's Beat on the Brat with hints of Discotheque and EBTTRT 


    I guess Edge was just STILL looking for something he lost, he keeps trying but he just hasn't found what he is looking for. TRY LOOKING AT THE LINES ON WALKWAY--STAY INSIDE THE YELLOW LINE! So glad he is OK. 


    Personally I think they should change the color of the "e" within the B-Stage. That probaby threw Edge off becasue if you watch the video he fell right about where the B-Stage begins, so there is a chance he thought he was already in it and had room. I can understand the yellow markings on either side of the catwalk which does alert them to the edges but the "e" being the same color could easily confuse a preformer that is focusing on entertaining the crowd, playing an instrument, etc. I think if they were to at least change the color of the letter "e" to something else, it may help out.


    It is very fortuante that he didn't sprain or have broken his wrist or arm. The nature reaction when one falls unexpectedly is catch themselves with their hands. There is a video on YouTube that has the best angle by a fan on the floor just in front of him and on the side he fell. Thankfully he is ok.....


    This tour is simply not meant to happen. They have a cloud of misfortune hanging over them  :blink:

  3. Hello everyone again! Yesterday I succumbed to day long tiredness. I hope to stay up a bit longer today

    Like everyone else, I'm sure we all have got a lot to say about yesterday's show. But I wanna see how different it is today (after all, this is the "tour of pairs") and then I'll make my full opinion known


    Good videos around showing very cool song arrangements 

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