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Status Updates posted by Alcon

  1. Just back from dublin - what an experience - lovely folk from all over the work descended on croke -- excellent 1st time for me 

  2. Is anyone heading to the Clarence hotel Dublin on 21st July ??

    1. MCFISTO


      you will want to be at the shelbourne for some celeb spotting

    2. Alcon


      Will check out its location , thanks

  3. Happy birthday "Paul Hewson "! Enjoy the craic

  4. I think we get quite a bit for our money as we subscribe again .. What's 40 dollars -£££ these days I'd pay that to secure a ticket to see u2 ,,,, think of the folk that never managed to see them this time around !

  5. Great gift from u2.com once again & a wee clue? Before heading back out on the road ???

  6. Just getting ready to re - subscribe

  7. home alone 1st one --- 25 years old , can't believe it ,,, merry Xmas ya all x

    1. pain_18_


      Oh Please !!! I'm gonna cry !!!!! Has it been that long ?????

  8. Paris concerts are gonna be very emotional

  9. Just about to re - subscribe , are we getting the same gifts as last year ?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. pain_18_


      Jut kidding...Was trying to give it a hilarious twist...I don't have a clue...

    3. Alcon


      There's 3 packages to choose from , but they are same gifts as we may all have , maybe just have to order a duplicate lol

    4. pain_18_


      They fixed it....Everyone's subscriptions have been prolonged So you'll be able to choose your gift when the time comes !

  10. This tour is amazing , but still for me , it doesn't beat the 360 phenomena

  11. Really hope these guys go into 2016 , hope all 2016 rumours are true

    1. utwothefly


      Looks promising for a stadium tour next year :)

    2. Alma1


      Say it again, Alcon! Believe it to achieve it. We all have to think it collectively & make it happen! Personally, I hope they still do smaller venues though. :)

  12. So sad to be back , 4 days in Amsterdam , shows were outstanding , & couple of different songs each night , love Amsterdam & of course our U2 boys

    1. stanley14


      Nothing lasts forever. But I hope you had a GREAT time! :)

    2. Alcon


      Yea we did , they released Ireland dates when we were there , but can't afford to go , but still glad we done Amsterdam ,, I'm sure I saw a post that your turns coming up , I'm sure your going to enjoy them as much as we did ,,

    3. Alcon


      Yea we did . They released Ireland dates when we were there too , but can't afford to do them , but still glad we done Amsterdam, sure I seen a post that it was your turn soon , I'm sure your gonna enjoy them as much as we did

  13. Our tickets were booked about a year ago , our time has eventually come , 2 days to go , fly to Amsterdam tomorrow AM, ready for concert on the 8th ,,, any one wishing to meet up , we will be in the GRASSHOPPER :-)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. stanley14


      Sure! It can not be more perfect!!

    3. jenmusic


      maybe Ill see you sept 8th in the GA Line :)


    4. Alcon


      We very much hope so , we're so looking forward to them it's been a long time coming

  14. Hope there's no mishaps with the band on their time off ,, Turin to go then it's my turn :-)

    1. pain_18_


      Hoping Edge is On Fire in the studio for SOE !!!!

  15. I'm a massive fan of stadium shows , but this looks amazing ,, roll on September !

  16. Heard , edge fell off the stage , I take it he's ok ? And any news of support acts ?

    1. Rhi_K


      He's fine and no support acts, just U2 :)

  17. We're not seeing the guys until September :-( but really excited that it's under two weeks till the tour kicks off ,, gonna try so hard not to catch any YouTube of I&E ,want this tour to be a new experience !

  18. Under a month to go till the shows get under way , can't wait !

    1. Rhi_K


      Bring it on!

    2. angelofharlem4u2


      Wish I could be there :)

  19. Happy Easter folks & happy holidays if your off

  20. Does anyone know what night is what on the tour ? A rock night or acoustic ?

    1. Rhi_K


      It doesn't sound like there will be just acoustic and just electric nights. But all they have said is that there will be a different feel "playing with the idea of innocence and experience"

      If there was going to be that drastic a difference between sets then we would have been told before tickets went on sale I think

    2. Alcon


      Yea I'm hoping for the electric night , I'm going to see them on an experience night ,, but I'm loving the acoustic too ,,, unless I save pennies and see if I can get tickets for the innocence night too , very expensive tho & it'll be in amsterdam

  21. Well , back from dublin .. What a great place , U2 s hotel sits right on temple bar area and that's got all you need ! Made it to the U2 graffiti wall and the original windmill lane studios , the docklands & North and South of the river ,, will def visit again

    1. BigBunny


      sounds like you had a great time >=:)

    2. mich40


      Isn't it a beautiful place? Glad you had a great time.

    3. stanley14


      I'm glad you had a great time in Dublin Alcon! Sounds like I have to go one day!!

  22. Dublin is finally upon me , tomorrow morning 07.35 flight , not sure what to expect , but sure I'll see a lot of U2 memorobillia ...... Gonna have a great 3 days

  23. Any chance of another pre-sale code ?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. pain_18_


      I didn't book anything, I can't afford seeing U2 abroad...I'd be happy to give you my code, Alcon ! If it were possible...

    3. Alcon


      Keep a hold of them & hopefully they announce a date near you , I think there will be a few more announcements in the near future

    4. pain_18_
  24. 3 weeks today , I'll be in DUBLIN, bring on the Guinness !

  25. January's such a long month !

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Malahide


      And we are even not half way!

    3. Alcon


      Lol I know , paid early in December too , makes it even worse

    4. pain_18_


      I don't get it.

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