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Status Updates posted by Rhi_K

  1. Who let the monkeys out in the Zoo?

    1. Anjana


      that's a whole other band...

    2. Rhi_K


      Oh...am I in the wrong place?...yes, definitely less punk here than the Monkeys ;)

  2. It's here, yes it is! It's only taken 2 weeks but I have finally chosen my favourite SOI tracks. These are in no particular order because it depends on my mood, but here it is...Every Breaking Wave, California, Volcano and Cedarwood Road...It's in writing now, no changing my mind!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. pain_18_


      I'm not being restrained at all...I love the whole album ! No favourites !

    3. Rhi_K


      I like your thinking Pain, why restrict yourself. It was a choice souly based on whether or not a song made me sing, jump for joy, dance or play air guitar.

      Now crying is a whole different crieria and would require a seperate list!

    4. pain_18_


      Thanks, Rhi_k !

  3. My son was doing his spellings earlier, came to the word edge, looks up at me, big smile and says (very enthusiastically) "The Edge!"...brain washed much?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rhi_K


      He wants to play the guitar and (I quote) "be the coolest rock star in the world like Bono", I never told him Bono was the coolest, he decided that for himself ;)

    3. pain_18_


      I'm surfing the U2.com site, thanks for asking about me !

    4. Rhi_K


      Just like to know Zoo friends are all good when we haven't spoken in a while Pain :)

  4. It's great to be hearing some interviews now after a week of virtual silence, really pleased with their reactions to the bashers

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. pain_18_


      Alma...looooong time no see...Haven't seen you write your opinion on the album...You vanished !

    3. Rhi_K


      I know what you mean Alma I've avoided the press as much as possible for that reason, I like to see them taking it on the chin, making light of it and sticking it to them in a completely non-offensinve way ie. "It's the punk rock thing to do" and saying that it's great to be the talk even if people don't like it. Putting his great diplomacy skills to use there :)

    4. Rhi_K


      Hi Pain, feel like we haven't really spoken in ages, how are you doing?

  5. I may never be able to choose SOI favourites!

    1. mich40
    2. pain_18_


      Same here ! That poll on the home-page is Bugging me !

    3. Anjana


      oh I missed that poll! For me it's between EBW (grew on me) and California (was instant love)

  6. Is about to take the niece to nursery then it's ear bleeding time!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. pain_18_
    3. Rhi_K


      Love watching him dancing around singing "I'm ready, I'm ready for the laughing gas!", so proud lol :)

    4. pain_18_


      !!! So Cool !!!

  7. Is watching Elevation in Boston 2001 and hoping my heart might be lifted a little way off the ground before I go to bed *sigh*

    1. Rhi_K


      Another emotionally charged performance to captivate me and make me forget my troubles if only for a while

    2. mich40


      Hope you are feeling better now.

  8. Today may be the day I decide on my top 3 SOI tracks, it's a biggun!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Rhi_K


      Long gone are the days of one word tiltles it would seem Alma1, they have actually been quite restrained this time haven't they, ATYCLB and HTDAAB were serious mouthfuls lol

    3. pain_18_


      Don't forget "I'll go crazy If I don't go crazy Tonight !!!"

    4. Rhi_K


      I think that one wins the prize!

  9. Been thinking about the albums Apple release and the misgivings I had on behalf of those who don't have ITunes or are more traditional and I have decided to 'stand by my band', they are forward thinkers and as a loyal fan I will be too, they have hit the ITunes charts big time, good for them after 35 years in the business :)

    1. Rhi_K


      It is not easy to balance an at times militant hardcore fanbase, make contemporary music which appeals to the young and make good business decisions (yes they have to be business men too, that's life, get over it, it's part of the reason they are still around). I am proud to call myself a hardcore U2 fan who respects the canny business decision they made here and loves the music they brought to us this week as much as the music they brought us 35 years ago, I am glad of my download an...

  10. So I have my own personal confirmation of a truly great set collection of songs, I was listening through...yet again...and was singing along with all my heart to the parts I know and found a deep well of joy spring out from inside of me and lift me up whilst singing to California, then during Song For Someone I suddenly and unexpectedly started to cry so hard I couldn't actually sing anymore as the true meaning of the song took shape in my mind. This...THIS!...is the U2 magic, you can...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. mich40
    3. Rhi_K


      You see, more U2 magic, hundreds of miles apart, but still able to share something wonderful :)

    4. chris1043


      I was crying too... but only because I was thinking of my ex before, so it just made me cry harder


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