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Status Updates posted by Rhi_K

  1. January MOJO on it's way to me :D

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. pain_18_


      I mean MY U2-MOJO magazine!

    3. Rhi_K


      Oh, let me know when it get's to you then and happy reading :)

    4. pain_18_
  2. Just taught the 1yr old niece to say "Bono"...just killing time

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Rhi_K


      I think so :P

      You should see her boogie to Boots!

    3. msjedi


      Early education is VERY important! :) I'm forbidden to say "Bono" around the house (not really) , my Dad thinks I've been possessed since everything i say ends up with either Bono or another U2 topic. Can't help myself, I need my muse to paint. Started painting to "troubles" and then started to listen to " crystal ballroom" and now I don't know how to finish the painting -- so two different feelings and images came out of me -- I may be possessed ....

    4. msjedi


      Merry Xmas to every one!

  3. Can anyone point me in the direction of the Zootops at Graham Norton thread? Can't find it annywhere

  4. Today is my 1st Zoo birthday! Fan of 20yrs but only a baby Zoo. Love to the Zootops, thanks for making me feel so at home. You guys are awesome :D

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Rhi_K


      Hahaha thank you very much Elmarto, that did give me a giggle :)

      I'll put the kettle on stanley!

    3. stanley14
    4. ELMARTO


      No probs Rhi :)

  5. And 2 months after pre-order, my SOI t-shirt is FINALLY here!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. pain_18_


      Hi Mich...!!!!!

    3. pain_18_


      Don't worry about the t-shirt, Mich...The Essential thing is that you're going to see U2 in concert !!! :D

    4. Rhi_K


      Hi Cris! :)

      Perhaps now that you have gotten on their backs about it they will hurry it up a bit, with any luck it will be here in time for the tour :P

  6. Community, family, tolerance and unity = LOVE. Love does not discriminate - I believe in love :)

  7. HELP PLEASE! Downloaded FOI from ITunes and it's not in my purhases or library, have I made a mistake with release date?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. pain_18_


      ...It must be their fault !!! Something's wrong down on their line !

    3. bagdifo


      downloaded it through itunes on the 9th without a problem, infact with the same purchase i have it on two computers and my phone

    4. Rhi_K


      It hasn't appeared and no payment has left my account, so I can only assume there was some kind of glitch and the transaction didn't go through.

      I'll give it another day to be sure, if there is still no sign of it I will try again.

      Can't have to many bagdifo :)

  8. In waiting room again...nervous again...excited again...what day is it?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. rhjannink


      Great. I have tickets for Amsterdam . Have a goed show

    3. mich40



    4. Rhi_K


      And to you guys too, this is my first U2 gig as a Zootop, really looking forward to meeting some folks :)

  9. When this is all over do we get some kind of post-sale therapy as part of our sub :P

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. umi


      I don't get it.


    3. Rhi_K


      Lol Bajagirl, think you guys will need a couple of years worth!

    4. Rhi_K


      Just a tongue in cheek remark on how mental the past couple of days has been umi :)

  10. Hope the iNNOCENCE group is getting on okay with their pre-sales

    1. Johnbmc


      Went via U2.com "Tour" red "Pre-Sale" button for London O2 shows ....The access code entry point is viewable on Ticketmaster but they only sell VIP O2 packages ... the remainder are via O2 ticket vendor AXS ( i gave them my account details prior to 10.00am opening of sale) and their is no acces code entry prior to ticket selection (as far as i can tell)... can someone help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

    2. Rhi_K


      Hi sorry I didn't see this earlier, there is a thread in the 'U2 iNNOCENCE + eXPERIENCE Tour 2015' forum for ticket purchase problems that the mods are dealing with

    3. M Wincek

      M Wincek

      I was able to purchase tix 2 only to msg ny july 18...... i received a pass code also......you may be in the second group depending how long you are a member......

  11. It's been nerve wracking, stressful, emotional and brilliant! And now we wait, thank's U2 for already making 2015 awesome :)

    1. mich40


      I am mentally and emotionally exhausted!

    2. esadub1


      ticketmaster says they cant find my code in their system


    3. Rhi_K


      Me too mich, I feel like I'm in recovery today, just want Monday out the way so I can concentrate on being excited.

      Have you tried ringing them esadub? there is also a thread specifically for these kinds of problems that the mods are looking after.

  12. WOOOOHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O2-U2 HERE I COME!!

    1. mich40
    2. stanley14


      Great Rhi! congrats! :))

  13. Is feeling really emotional right now!

    1. Rhi_K


      Why has the refresh abr stopped moving and nothings happening??? hope it's just because it's busy

    2. Zhivvy


      it will be. Deep breaths!!!

    3. Rhi_K


      YESSSSS!!! GOT THEM!!!!!

  14. Wheeeeee! got ma code!! Ready for the laughing gas!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. U2LAWoman


      Nothing from email, click on the TOURS page.

    3. Alcon


      What concert are you heading for ? I'm thinking of amsterdam 1st

    4. Rhi_K


      No I noticed it on my account page first, then email. I'll be doing O2 I think, might look at branching out in the general sale, feel a little less wired now, though I'm sure this will change in a couple of hours!

  15. Goodnight lovely Zootops and good luck for tomorrow :D

  16. It's crazy in here man!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. pain_18_


      This place is Insane, Isn't it? Or as my pals from looney tunes would say: Silly, Isn't he ?

    3. Rhi_K
    4. pain_18_


      Or If some Elmer Fud throws a The Fly CD at Sylvester 'cause he's singing in the night..He'll get the REturn of the Fly CD slapped back at him through the window !!!

  17. Why am I being told I don't kave permission to continue viewing the tour announcement discussion thread?? really hoping this is just a a tech issue

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. lionwehr240579
    3. Bajagirl


      When its being updated, you cant access it. Many updates today

    4. lionwehr240579


      Presale codes are due out later today for paid subscribers... bigwave told me! :-D

  18. SSE Hydro Glasgow has released their dates for tour! (see tour announcement thread above)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. pain_18_


      Well..Well..Let it be announced and we'll laugh even more after the thing !

    3. pain_18_
    4. pain_18_


      The link doesn;t work for me...Care to tell me what;s the excitment about?

  19. Hi Zootops, not been online much lately, hope everyone is safe and well, love to you all :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. mich40


      Hiya Rhi! Love to you too! :)

    3. Rhi_K


      Thank's guys :D Hope you had a fab time at (RED) mich! Thank's Cris, very early yes, it's the 15th, but I like to prepare early, it's the wrong time of year for last minute prep

    4. pain_18_



  20. my 7yr old has a couple of friends over and is trying educate them by blasting U2 and telling them about Bono...Zootop in the making!

  21. So I wont be going to see Fleetwood Mac next year...ticket prices! *gasps and falls to floor...THUD!*

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Rhi_K


      I wonder if we will have to pay these sorts of prices to see our boys one day

    3. pain_18_


      Very Much Beer, Anjana !!!!

    4. mich40


      I wanted to go this year, and it's a couple of weeks away. But it is in the middle of the week, 2 hours away....


  22. So all I hear from my boys room is U2, think I'm going to have to fit a show for him into the tour

    1. pain_18_


      WOOOOHOOOO - Waves Shirt in Excitement !!!!

  23. Wooohooo...hello Playboy Mansion!

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. pain_18_


      I've found it out ! It's the January Issue !!! My retailer receives it !!! Excited !!!!

    3. pain_18_


      Just Off the Mail talking to my retailer....She says she;s keeping One Under the Counter for me, when it arrives !!! WOOOHOO!!! Now come on Salary !!!!!

    4. pain_18_


      Well...It has been Announced...But I can't renew Since in the Summer of 2012, I subscribed two times because my U22 didn't arrive so I'm one year ahead...




      NOW I got this message:




      Your account is expiring in 2015-12-08. You cannot renew at this time.

  24. Is watching JT tour LA 1987, awesome gig!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Rhi_K


      Yes, but I made it up to you...now you won't wake up till midday and you will be exhausted all day! :P

    3. Rhi_K


      Oh lord that does not read how it sounded in my head!

    4. pain_18_
  25. Is it bed time yet?...it MUST be bed time!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rhi_K


      Cartoons are awesome, but my lads don't like any of the classics I used to watch when I was a kid :(

    3. pain_18_


      Regular Show is new...But I LOVE the classics !!!

    4. Anjana


      ...depends who's asking Rhi..hehehe

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