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Everything posted by natural11

  1. Sweet memories!! Fun post, Max Tsukino and Craig Semon!! Those were the days!
  2. Yes, mich40...you never know how long each one will last...praying for longevity for those 'scope-ians that are out there at Gillette tonight!!
  3. Some of these Periscopes come and go...ya know how it goes! https://www.pscp.tv/w/1dRKZANvgnAxB
  4. https://www.pscp.tv/w/1mnxeEaZmnrxX I found a Periscope from U2 Radio from Gillette Stadium!
  5. Boston...it looks like a Beautiful Day there! Get ready for U2 to serenade you en masse!!
  6. Thanks for the audio links and set lists too, bigwave! So great for all who cannot be there....
  7. Great images Lora! Thank you for sharing them with us!
  8. When the Joshua Tree first came out I was in my third year of University and living in a condominium with four roommates it was the best of times and the worst of times.
  9. Hello fellow Zoolanders! Yes, I am a newbie but I feel quite at home! I have been a fan since 1985. I joined as the Joshua Tree 2017 Tour began to roll. So many sweet memories the music of U2 evokes for me!!
  10. I am enjoying these rainbow pictures, mich40! Finding myself singing, "Here comes the sun...it's all right." (Wrong band lyric for tonight! Yikes!)
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