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Everything posted by Europa_Thomas

  1. I don’t know how they do it, but my parents don’t love Bono and the band. If I couldn’t have Bono himself as my dad, I would have been very happy to have a dad (and a mom) who loved him and the band as much as all of us do.
  2. I love him so much, and I have often wished that he was my dad.
  3. I had to wait about 8 years from the day I first became a U2 fan to the day of this concert, but it was worth it. I took other pictures (but not too many because I wanted to be present in the moment), but I like this shot the best because it looks like it could be an album cover or a book cover image. Happy Birthday, Bono!
  4. (I can't resist ) Maybe Bono didn't linger because Fly impersonators at concerts are as thick as . . .
  5. They don’t want to trample you, they want you to scratch them behind their ears.
  6. Welcome, I'm an even younger U2 diehard (22) who lives in NC.
  7. Looks like there’s a lot I don’t know about attending a U2 concert (my first will be in June.) How do you get a GA?
  8. OK. If I had the good luck (and the money) for a front row U2 ticket, I’d risk the rail once , quite possibly with a helmet and other gear to minimize crushing since I’m small too but a crazy fan.
  9. I will be listening with rapt attention in Washington DC. Where will you hear it?
  10. I like “Song for Someone “ better than “13”, but “13” is a good new take on or reprise of “Song for Someone.” And who doesn’t love the flirting and gratitude flowing through “Landlady “.
  11. Welcome, Stellaria (pretty name) My favorite SOE songs are “Lights of Home,” “Summer of Love,” and “The Little Things That Give You Away.”
  12. "My hands are tied . . . my body bruised . . ."
  13. I have never seen such a wicked grin on Larry's face before.
  14. Perhaps this is revenge for having to hand-deliver all the albums?
  15. He's learning to fly, but he ain't got wings Or should that be so long, Angel of Mexico City?
  16. Miss Muffet will rise, Miss Muffet will fall, from the sheer face of love, like a fly on a wall . . . Yet another great cartoon, Brendan.
  17. Thanks, Karen. purrrrrrrrrrrrr
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