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Status Updates posted by padawanbeck84

  1. Happy birthday Bono!

  2. Happy Birthday Larry - and thank you for starting our favourite band!

  3. Happy birthday Larry! And thanks for putting up that 'musicians wanted' notice!

  4. Happy birthday to our favourite guitarist, the mighty Mr Edge!

  5. Have we all listened to "Breathe" today? I have :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. big boy

      big boy

      I am flying from aus to Turin . For both shows . I got my seated ticket send to me and the other one is for ground floor and day don't post it day said I pick it up one hour befor show . As this happen to any one ?


    3. pain_18_


      No, I haven't !

    4. inter1


      I collected mine in this fashion in Roma on the Vertigo tour. Worked ok , but missed the guest band...

  6. Having a great start to the New Year.

  7. How many people are listening to "Breathe" today? I will.

  8. How soon can I book my ticket for Rogue One? *waiting impatiently*

  9. I wonder how many U2 fans will be put in Twitter jail today? Enjoying having my say for U2Request!

  10. Just graduated up to Babyface on the forums!

    1. Rhi_K


      :D onwards and upwards!
    2. pain_18_


      Congratulations !!!

  11. Last night at the O2 was brilliant! Apart from my nearly collapsing, but thanks to the medical for taking care of me. I was let back in nicely in time for Beautiful Day.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Anjana
    3. padawanbeck84


      I'm fine now, it was just dehydration. I did lots of jumping about but little access to water. They started at about 7.45-8pm.

    4. sazshackle


      it was pretty warm in there, glad ur ok now

  12. Looks like no #U240 events near me, so I'll mostly spend the day rocking out to the concert DVDs.

  13. May the 4th be with you all... but beware the revenge of the fifth (and sixth!)

  14. My copy of "Sons + Fathers" arrived today. It is beautiful.

    1. mich40


      Oh nice! I really want it but to get it the shipping cost as much as the book.


    2. pain_18_


      Yup, it's pretty expensive !!! Enjoy, PadawanBeck !

  15. My thoughts are with the people of Paris. I hope U2, their crew and all of the fans there stay safe. Concerts can be rescheduled but people are irreplaceable.

    1. chris1043


      I agree. Great way to put it in words.


    2. pain_18_


      U2 is Alright.

  16. October... needs to hurry up and get here already! Reading about everyone's amazing concert experiences and getting very excited for London!

  17. One week! *flails arms and runs around in circles*

  18. Only 2 weeks to go! 14 sleeps! *squeal*

  19. Overjoyed at receiving a delivery of U2 books from a friend in Oz!

    1. Malahide


      Has the wizard of Oz been distributing books again?

    2. padawanbeck84


      I have a wonderful friend in New South Wales who had some U2 books she no longer wanted and sent them to me on the other side of the world - completely free of charge! I'm so utterly grateful to have such amazing friends.

    3. Malahide
  20. Printed out my London 1 photos, now just need a frame for the best ones.

  21. Rest in peace Jules Bianchi. Formula 1 has been cruelly robbed of a driver who had so much potential.

    1. ELMARTO


      The number 17 has been retired as a mark of respect

  22. They couldn't have timed that much better - the Paris DVD comes out the week after my birthday :)

    1. mich40


      Happy Birthday to you!

    2. joshthetree


      coool happy advance birthday to you

  23. This little Star Wars nerd is heartbroken. The Grim Reaper has taken too many this year.

    1. mich40


      It's just terrible.....I hope 2017 is more gentle on us than 2016 has been.

    2. pain_18_


      I hope U2 will put out three albums in 2017.

    3. Malahide


      May the Force be with you

  24. Tour dates! Tour dates!!! *flailing arms*

  25. Trying to avoid Star Wars spoilers until I see it at the weekend! *sticks fingers in her ears*

    1. mich40


      Going to see it tomorrow morning. Will hopefully see no spoilers before then.

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