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Posts posted by MikeTighe

  1. I wondered most about the O2 and Europe to be honest, really surprised about the U.S. Dates!


    How late towards a gig would they announce it? I.e could they announce another gig in a city the night of the first?


    For my take, I think it's the distance between on sale and gig, timing just before Crimbo, and price harming any sales to be honest. I love this band, but a quarter of my salary on two tix is ridiculous.

  2. Sorry - forgot the mandatory tongue out smiley to demonstrate joking!


    I really like the idea of rigging something up at the dandelion market or mcgonagles and them playing in an old haunt, doing a q and a with the audience and doing a live by request thing.


    You know, "an audience with U2" - the dude whose name I always forget who gets first play could compere and it could be co sponsored by hot press.


    Just my two penny's worth

  3. well, good news! i got a ridiculously expensive ticket after spending 2 hrs on the disabled phone line to theO2! carer is free .hubs is reluctantly taking me unless we can find a friend or relative near by in london to take his place. its a weekend away at least.


    and for those of you being rude about my nusband just coz he doesnt lke U2, i have to tell you he is a wonderful man and has taken on my care asI have deteriorated. its not easy and I know plenty of men woul've walked. we've been happily marreeied for 28 years. I knew he wasnt a fan from the day we met, but I loath his musical taste! frank zapper, van morrison, so there we. go.



    Glad to hear it all worked out okay. 


    Sorry about my poorly thought out comments. I've only been with my 'the one' girlfriend for two years and you let passion overcome you sometimes. I find it hard to imagine not doing anything Mrs Mike would ask me to do, but I guess that's one of those things really easy to say after two years but not actually that big a deal after 28!


    My dad was a bit of a waste of space so I get a bit temperamental when men in particular don't help out their ladies. But when you assume, you make an 'ass' out of 'u' and 'me' both, so I'm sorry for leaping to conclusions and being a bit of an idiot. It did sound like you were being quite badly let down and I was trying to say stick up for yourself a bit, but bravado took over and it ended up looking a lot more mean than I wanted it to. Also, bit of a leap from what you said to the comments made, which is just the hallmark of idiot. I'm really sorry. 


    And for what it's worth, I have many people who I love dearly who aren't U2 fans. I cannot understand them, but I love them regardless. I try and engage in thorough re-education via the Zoo TV at Sydney video. 


    I sincerely hope you have an amazing time regardless of the faff, and I'm sorry again. 







  4. I would have reported these a-holes to the police immediately.


    As for these "line-mods" they are self appointed and have no connection to the venue, the promoters, or the band. So you are free to tell them to fuck off.


    Strongly agree with this. Are these those idiots that come around with markers because they're obsessed with the physical peak that is being on the front row? As long as I'm relatively near the front and can see the band, I'm happy. Think you kind of miss the point if you're on the very front row but are a total dickhead.

  5. I put my code in, found out there was no GA tickets left, backed out back into the waiting room, entered code again got to the ticket thing and then had to lock my iPad because teacher was coming (I bought tickets in class because I'm rock n roll) that backed me out into waiting room because I ran out of time...i then had to type in code again and I eventually purchased tickets on my third time trying


    Is this OK?

    Adam if you actually did this and are in high school you have instantly become my hero

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