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Posts posted by MikeTighe

  1. Seriously ? I think you have to talk to your husband, not to U2.. He's (your husband) is the one who denies you the U2 concert.. If you were my wife, I would take you, if I liked the music or not.. I would not care.. 


    There's a man who would make (or is already) a good husband. Women are these beautiful, brilliant siren like creatures we dare to trouble by hanging around with. They get these podgy things with sticks between their legs in return. If we men don't forget that and treat our women right, we won't go far wrong


    If my girlfriend refused point blank to go to a gig with me, she'd be out on her ear

    Husband is refusing to go with me! Is that grounds for divorce?!



    Fairly straightforward April - Yes. 


    Not really, just joking -  but it's a bit mean. I think that the other woman's complaint that the husband is essentially stopping her from seeing her dream band which is cruel, and I would never allow myself to be in a relationship like that. Sounds like your fella's just being a bit mardy/has poor music taste - but he's not stopping you from going. 


    Either way, we'll look after you. Mrs Mike always brings a thermos



    Sorry - replied before you replied if it makes sense. He's just a top bloke, so get loyal and defensive easily.


    I'd email the guys on the bottom of the tour page and the general U2.com email for contact us and CC both in.


    Maybe also - ironically - ask Bigwave if he knows anywhere better or if he can keep a log of all those wanting to complain.


    Maybe a thread? For people to write their good and bad tour feedback the mods can send on all in one go so it has more heft?


    Just thinking out loud!

    Mike, thanks for the post and the advice.

    No probs - you get some in the end?



    By the way Rhi - AS IF you're going on the Sunday and not the Friday #nerd :P

    Hahaha! I actually had a bit of indecision over this, but a Zootop who lives by me wanted Sunday so I thought go for that in the interest of being sociable :lol:

    Fair enough. Hope you have an amazing time anyway :D



    Can we merge these threads at some point? My concern is if there isn't one place with everything in it'll be harder for mods to send on to live nation

    Yes, it was my hope that the moderator would merge them into this thread, hence the title: "Ticket Buying Experience - Feedback for U2.com"


    Instead of something like "Ticketmaster sucks"

    Haha! Thanks

  6. Hi All


    Just putting this up so the mods have one clear place to go for feedback for tour booking in the pre sales. Maybe one of them could be good enough to forward if onto powers that be and let us know response?


    I suggest this format;




    got tickets or didn't




    what you found helpful about experience




    any problems




    Anything could be done better


    I know people have had varied experiences - thought this might be helpful







    Although I've already posted this on another thread, it seems relevant to put it here too. It perhaps adds a bit of balance to the problems that have been reported...


    I logged in at 9.55am this morning and joined the queue, filling in my necessary detail while I waited. At 10.05am I completed my transaction and got 2 £90 tickets for the London O2 on 30.10.15.


    The whole process was incredibly smooth, nothing at all like the Vertigo fiasco.


    Well done to whoever organised this!

    Any idea what the GA #'s mean ?


    It's how much Bono loves you, in kilograms ;)

  8. Sorry - replied before you replied if it makes sense. He's just a top bloke, so get loyal and defensive easily.


    I'd email the guys on the bottom of the tour page and the general U2.com email for contact us and CC both in.


    Maybe also - ironically - ask Bigwave if he knows anywhere better or if he can keep a log of all those wanting to complain.


    Maybe a thread? For people to write their good and bad tour feedback the mods can send on all in one go so it has more heft?


    Just thinking out loud!




    I guess it's natural to kick out at U2.com and Bigwave although I have to say that I've found the guy really helpful in this last 24hours when I realised a tour had even been announced and struggled to upgrade. That said my own view is that I do think there are things that could have been clarified better, for the benefit of all subscribers.


    • Two shows: I think people would have been happy to know the difference between the two shows as there's been talk of a main show and an acoustic show. Admittedly nothing from the band but they (and this site) must have been aware of the talk, fuelled by themselves in recent interviews. Then there's whether you can get tickets for both shows, or just the one.
    • Number of tickets: I know I was looking forward to buying 4 tickets for me and my family, as I've done before. I understand why there might not be as many available for sale but pre-warning would have been good. Well more than 24hours anyway!
    • Notice: some are saying that to put expensive gigs on sale just weeks from Christmas isn't great timing. I'm lucky not to be affected by this but can understand why some might be and feel for them. In truth just a few days warning might have helped some because it probably matters not when tickets go on sale, not everyone can / will afford them.
    • Dublin: as someone who wants to see the band in their home town after seeing them elsewhere in the UK it's a shame that there's not yet more details on Dublin because today I've not been sure whether to wait and use my code for these dates, or buy tickets. I waited and now run the risk of not being able to get Dublin tickets. I'll be annoyed if this is the case.
    • Membership: in the past I remember there being a couple of weeks between the announcement and tickets going on pre-sale. This has given us that had not update our membership the chance to do so in time for the pre-sale. This has been difficult with such short notice and means that, although I've been a member since 2009 (paying mostly) I'm just an 'innocence' member so have lost out.
    • U2 look after their fans - we only have to hope that over the coming days more clarity will be provided, along with more info and dates. Well done to those who have tickets, I hope to be joining you in the coming week or two.
    • As I say my dealings with Biglwave - when he approached me to help yesterday - have been good, so let's no single out people for grief when they're clearly answering so many queries..
    Mark, well said. I agree that Bigwave is very helpful, as are all who look after the forums. My dealings with them have always positive, which is why I started this thread. I hope the feedback from multiple fans, not just one grump...me...will spur the U2 team into positive action.

    Maybe address your message to U2.com/ticket master then rather than one guy who is working his backside off helping people out

  10. Also quick note to thank our mods for essentially being psychiatric carers for the past 24 hours....


    Bigwave helped sort us out at Graham Norton and is the nicest bloke in the world. Max is basically a Jedi Master, and Bajagirl I don't know tonnes about but she's lovely and thank you all. 


    Peace out kids

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