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Posts posted by MikeTighe

  1. Thanks to the site and thanks for putting up with our dramatics. Like lovers, it's only worth putting up with the dramatic ones if they're sexy, and rest assured U2.com, your fans are damned sexy, so all's well as ends well ;)


    Just a little LOL moment at the checkout "Level 4 is not recommended for people with Vertigo...."


    Put your HTDAAB Lead singles away, folks...

  2. Happy birthday pete!!!


    I agree Jon - just hope they have the common sense to sort it fast or postpone - better it be done well than f**ked up, frankly.


    Feel really sorry for our mods too - talk about being in the eye of the storm! Solidarity BIGWAVE, Max and Bajagirl et Al

  3. "Tickets, priced from £30-£165, go on sale on Mon Dec 8 at 9am, and can be booked here. Despite the large number of people that can fit in The O2 over four nights, don’t be surprised if the dates sell out pretty quickly, so get ready to book nice and early on Monday if you want to see U2 play a venue that could be mistaken for their own band name if you read it too quickly."


    You gotta give it to Time Out, that's actually quite a fun last line

  4. Load of travelling costs ate up recently owing to having to go and see various people with the death... :( 


    I'll be allright, I'm essentially trading in U2 tickets for Christmas presents and eating beans for the next two weeks til I get paid. I'd have been absolutely fine in a fortnight. Just got unlucky this time I guess. I'd  But I bet there are people who miss out because of it.


    Thanks for the info Rhi, hope I look as good as you when I have sprogs - starting to resemble Gordon Brown already so I don't hold out much hope...

  5. Like I'm fine, and maybe it's a bit rich with the awesome experience I had - it's just I feel loads of empathy for parents of young uns who want to go - even if it were just a week's notice, it's slightly longer to make arrangements and it's not fair for them to miss out. God knows that stage of life is difficult enough without missing out on U2!


    Not speaking from experience - as far as I'm aware, I'm not a parent. Just if a lot of you are looking at the balance sheet and thinking 'how the hell am I gonna do this', you're not alone, so solidarity :)


    Not that it'll matter if we do get to a show...

  6. It's really bad timing for a lot of people. Three weeks before Christmas? Is it that much effort for camp U2 to leave it a month? 


    I can just about do one show buy begging, borrowing, and living off beans for two weeks. God knows what older fans with families are ending up doing. A Christmas ticket date is challenging enough, but with a days notice? If this is true, I think it's a sad indictment of how much the band is in touch with its fanbase. 

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