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Status Replies posted by Achtung75

  1. not that i ever pay attention to this kind of stuff, but I DON'T have more points than achtung and the mighty davcal....just sayin

  2. not that i ever pay attention to this kind of stuff, but I DO have more points than achtung and the mighty davcal....just sayin

    1. Achtung75


      That's cos your layin' down with half the community James. Just sayin'.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  3. good afternoon, time for a peppermint drink

  4. I never publicly acknowledge my feelings but I must this time.. I hate when the person you love dissapoints you. :(

  5. A busy day for me

  6. Doing the Night Shift

  7. Tam when you come in to the blog house tonight p*ssed out of your mind, try to be quiet.

  8. Resistance is futile

  9. May the force be with you...

  10. thank you , elaine, for getting me hooked on Kite (live) , b side of window in the skies

  11. i am not afraid of anything in this world

  12. Club Tropicana drinks are free so I understand.

  13. Club Tropicana drinks are free so I understand.

  14. Hello everyone. Where do I introduce myself?

  15. If I'm not back in 5 minutes.......just wait longer.

  16. Rabbits? Where?.....oh wow!

  17. When the world is lit by lightning....

  18. They got this all screwed up. 'No, money down!'

  19. Death is a career move! Cue a surge in Tory popularity, may it be short lived.

  20. Oh my god! The PTA has been disbanded!

  21. Friday is the Sweetest Thing

  22. I don't know how to put this, but I'm kind of a big deal.

  23. im CRUSHED and officially defeated .......tam is now "excellent" on his profile and I am "good"

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