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Status Updates posted by jenmusic

  1. deciding if I should do a phd in fine art right after I graduate this year, or focus more on being an artist in residencies and do the phd later in life...:blink:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. jaimearodriguez



      do it later. More schooling is different than more education. Some real life in between will be helpful down the line.

    3. Shannon387


      If you are seeking to be an artist I'd go do that. A degree will only get you so far. With an arts degree, unless you want to go work for a museum or something, is really only a check mark on a job application. Real life experience via internships or jobs will get you further. Just my "two cents." I think you'd find most companies will only really care about your artwork. Best of luck! :) 

    4. jenmusic


      Sorry for the late response, @jaimearodriguez and @Shannon387 but thank you for the replies! I recently decided to go for my artwork and maybe a phd later... At the moment I'm doing research for my final projects... fingers crossed :D

  2. Good Luck to everyone who is buying tickets today!

  3. Amsterdam Arena on my mind #fingerscrossed

  4. Motivation letter 1 written... Motivation letter 2 on its way... #weekendnoweekend

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jenmusic


      yes definitely XD I don't mind writing but when you have to write about yourself it gets way more difficult XD but I have to do it if I want to get accepted for my master degree

    3. pain_18_


      You can do it, Jen !!!!

    4. jenmusic
  5. #WhiteOutBelfast #strongerthanfear

  6. ok that was the best GA experience EVER!!!!!! tonight :D party girl/bad/40 :D :D :D :D #cologne

  7. writing my thesis #studentlife

  8. The new song for someone video reminds me a lot of caspar david friedrich's "Wanderer above the sea of fog" :) Beautiful!

  9. hungry as usual... what to eat, what to eat... hmm

    1. mich40


      are you missing the Irish food?

    2. jenmusic


      yes! very much ;)

  10. back in holland... so weird XD

    1. mich40


      Did you leave part of your heart there?

    2. jenmusic


      yes definitely! I will be back maybe next year to finish my masters there ;)


  11. yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

  12. woooohhh the excitement :D :D :D

  13. Im a bit lost... #stress #finalreview #exams

  14. whoop tomorrow my sister is coming to visit me in Ireland :D :D :D

  15. tomorrow big work presentation #nervous

    1. pain_18_


      Good Luck !!!

    2. angelofharlem4u2
    3. jenmusic


      thanks :D everything went very well :D


  16. #nomnomnom chocolate cake!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. jenmusic


      Ooo even better :) can't remember the last time I ate ice cream

    3. Rhi_K


      We don't often, but spring has well and truly sprung here and we couldn't help ourselves :)

    4. jenmusic
  17. woohhooo seminar paper finished!!! back to photography now!!!

  18. #homework...

    1. pain_18_


      Good luck with it !

    2. jenmusic


      thanks :D Im writing my paper... its about anton corbijn and joy division very interesting!!! :D


    3. pain_18_


      !!!!!!!!!! Love Anto Corbijn....another member of U2's winning team !!

  19. wants a chocolate muffin asap

    1. Anjana


      lol nom nom nom

    2. pain_18_


      Go Get it !

    3. pain_18_


      PS : I love your forest photos !

  20. hey peeps :) if you have some time... please take a look at my photo on this site and please vote (on the "stem" button on the left) It could give me some exposure in a dutch newspaper ;)http://foto.nrc.nl/Picture/view/6516

  21. I am not invisible I am here

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